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A pub has made a “good-natured” goat its mascot after he was seen wandering along a village road.
A grandmother has revealed how she went from being £75,000 in debt to running her own business worth £1.5m.
Scores of residents have been without water all day after a mains pipe burst in sub-zero temperatures.
An activity centre with a zipwire, skydive experience, aerial trek course and cold water swimming wants to start serving hot food.
Plans to turn a historic landmark into a holiday let could be completed early this year, months after thieves struck the site.
Fresh plans to build homes on the site of a garden centre have been refused amid fears the properties would ruin the countryside’s appearance.
A violent thief lashed out at officers on two occasions when they went to apprehend him as he didn’t like being put in handcuffs.
An 18th-century pub that a string of landlords struggled to keep afloat before it unexpectedly shut could be converted into a home.
Fire crews have been battling a blaze after a van caught light.
Five years after it left us, is our pleading for Eurostar to return on the brink of becoming undignified?
A closed sports centre described as the “heart of the community” faces an uncertain future after a funding bid was rejected in a scathing takedown.
One of a town’s oldest companies is partly moving out of the county after two centuries, cutting half of its workforce.
The charity RBLI, which supports armed forces veterans, has revealed plans for a new multi-million pound factory, academy and offices in Kent.
A speeding driver who left a couple unconscious, seriously injured and trapped in the wreckage of their car has been spared jail.
Our reporter’s New Year’s resolution is to take more walks across the county - as long as they feature a luxurious lunch and a pint or two.
Elderly residents on a suburban estate fear being stranded when their bus service is withdrawn.
Are you a champion quizzer? 13 brain teasers to answer from news to sport.
The leaders of Kent’s councils have written to the government to express an interest in joining the Devolution Priority Programme (DPP).
Fans of Harry Hill have praised his new “game” featuring Kent roundabouts and TV theme tunes.
A mum-of-three who was jailed following a lenthy crime spree has now been banned from Tesco and Boots stores.
Police are appealing for anyone with dashcam footage or CCTV to come forward after tools and utility vehicles were taken from a golf club.
A local authority says it has a plan to tackle problems with its adult social care services highlighted in a health watchdog report.
Two men have pleaded not guilty to the murder of a 23-year-old with an ‘infectious smile’ whose death prompted an outpouring of tributes.
Residents have been evacuated from their homes overnight amid fears a nearby building could collapse.
A major health club, put on the market with a £3million price tag last year, has been bought by a company with links to the millionaire businessman.
An A-road was closed for more than four hours as emergency services tackled a double-decker bus fire.
A humpback whale has been filmed splashing around just off the Kent coast, sparking excitement among animal lovers.
A winter flu crisis is crippling overwhelmed hospitals across Kent as a record number of patients endure long waits for a bed.
The getaway driver involved in a burglary reached speeds of 85 mph during a police chase.
A devastated landlord says the owners of his 200-year-old pub are set to close the venue amid rumours it could be knocked down.