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Two men have been jailed after a brawl outside a troubled nightclub which saw one man stabbed.
Heat exhaustion can pose a real danger to pets, so here's the RSPCA's top tips for keeping animals cool and comfortable during the hot weather.
A coastguard helicopter had to be scrambled after a 999 call reporting people in distress by the shoreline.
People leaving prison could be given alcohol bans and sobriety tags under new plans to cut reoffending rates and drink-fuelled crime.
Nearly 450 people made it across the Channel in small boats on the day the first asylum seekers were meant to be deported on flights to Rwanda.
A motorist has been taken to hospital following a crash involving two vehicles near a busy road junction.
A notorious landlord who tried to sell off assets to avoid paying legal costs has been given a permanent injunction to stop him.
More than 770,000 people are missing out on more than £1.7 billion in unclaimed pension credits - are you one of them?
A Labour peer is to attempt to bring in a law to phase out the 11-plus and convert Kent's grammar schools into non-selective ones.
A man who has spent decades working with addicts has described why he thinks opening 'safe drug-taking centres' in Kent would not work.
With news of pints in London surging in price to £8 we visited a pub selling one for much more than that.
An explosive row is brewing over whether Sheerness or Southend should end up with the SS Richard Montgomery masts after they are cut down.
A non-smoker has criticised 'intimidating' enforcement officers who wrongly accused her of throwing a cigarette butt from her car window at Morrisons.
A medical student has been jailed after rigging ATMs with modified iPhone cameras in order to steal bank cards.
A tired looking skate park is set for a huge makeover thanks to funding that's been secured by a former contestant on hit BBC show The Apprentice.
A man from Kent has been arrested following an alleged sexual assault on a 10-year-old girl at a branch of Boots in London Victoria.
The first Rwanda flight has been grounded after last-minute legal challenges following protests in Kent and at Heathrow.
With temperatures set to soar in the coming days, public health experts have warned of the potential health risks for vulnerable people.
Tributes have poured in for a much-loved ice cream man from Kent who served his customers for more than 40 years.
Just over a year after first opening, a town centre bar is set to close.
Traffic was queuing on the M2 as part of the road was closed due to a police incident.
A charity is trying to raise £7,000 for a greyhound's vet bills after he suffered serious injuries just days after arriving at his forever home.
A town council has emptied a pond of fish after reports of "abuse".
Stargazers are gearing up to capture June's Stawberry Supermoon and here's how and when you can see it from today.
A nightclub investigated over safety concerns has had several conditions added to its licence.
A keen horsewoman whose disappearance sparked a huge police search was found dead in woodland the day before a counselling session, an inquest heard.
Whatsapp users are being warned not to interact with a scam message offering free coolers of Heineken beer for Father's Day.
Police would like to speak to a man who may have information after a woman was sexually assaulted.
Bosses at Argos have announced a shop will be closing as part of plans to open more units across Sainsbury's stores.
Three teenagers have been charged after £10,000 worth of cosmetic goods were stolen from Boots.