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Fire chiefs have hit out at time wasters after a spike in rescuing people from baby swings thanks to a TikTok craze.
A much-loved pub landlady who welcomed punters for six decades is being remembered for her loving and caring nature.
A man has been charged with aggravated burglary after a woman was attacked and restrained in her home for 48 hours.
An arts and crafts retail giant is set to open its sixth branch in Kent later this year in a disused retail park unit.
A student's exam notes have been stolen after a thief hurled a brick through her car window.
A thief has told a court he stole £11,500 of goods from customers because loan sharks were threatening to "pay a visit" to his mother in Bulgaria.
A former Lady Mayoress and university lecturer was tragically killed in a freak traffic collision after stepping into the path of a van.
A devastated family have paid tribute to a mum and grandma killed in a fatal collision.
A man has been charged with attempted murder after a police officer was stabbed in the arm.
High street giant Debenhams confirmed when some of its remaining retail outlets will close for the final time.
A Police and Crime Commissioner candidate is calling for a pets protection officer to be appointed - but the current PCC says the position exists.
Dejected councillors have waved through a "dog's breakfast" development while admitting they were "straitjacketed" by planning policy.
A church organ which is more than a century old will be moved to a new home in order to stop its 'slow decay' - if planning permission is granted.
A 35-year-old woman saw the ground open up beneath her as she walked with her young son.
An additional 1,400 children received supplies from food banks in one part of Kent last year, with usage rising by 50%.
From the delight of an iconic theme park to a sex scene in a shell grotto, a new novel brings one Kent town to life - but also warns of a dark future.
Fishermen have branded controversial Netflix documentary Seaspiracy “hurtful” - accusing film-makers of generalising the industry.
Business owners say they have lost trade and even seen people urinating in the streets after the council closed four public toilets.
A drug dealer found with a block of cocaine worth about £20,000, a knuckleduster and cash has been given a lengthy prison sentence.
Tributes have been paid to a young father who was killed in a car crash aged just 26.
Residents are delighted to see the return of their vintage cast-iron postbox after fears it would be replaced with a cheap plastic replica.
Innovative ideas to improve a town were revealed during an online presentation and include more public spaces, improved road network and a tidal pool.
Police are hunting three men after a car was stolen during a break-in.
A dad who has survived heart attacks, organ failure and has had his legs amputated, has made a tragic plea to his wife to let him come home to die.
A jury in the trial of a man accused of attempting to murder his ex-wife has heard how he allegedly strangled and stabbed her.
A dad-of-six who nearly died during a 'terrifying' battle with Covid-19 is hoping to raise thousands for the hospital where medics saved his life.
Small businesses are most at risk of online attacks originating from eastern countries, according to a Kent cyber security expert.
We've answered all of your questions ahead of the county council elections.
A staff member suffered third degree burns in a substation fire which halted rail traffic.
A multi-million pound refurbishment of a landmark building in a town centre looks set to happen in the next few months.
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