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An obsessive stalker who left Bond star Naomie Harris "absolutely petrified" has been banned from travelling more than 20 miles from his own home.
With our biggest fireworks displays falling victim to Covid-19 - here's when they'll go ahead and the best pictures from over the years.
A housing association has said sorry after one of its vans blocked the view of traffic for children walking home from school.
Following the vote against extending the free school meal scheme, we've had a look at some of the people offering support to those in need.
A popular schoolboy with 'a bright future ahead of him' died after experimenting with MDMA for the first time.
Two men are due to appear in court after a police officer was attacked on duty.
Police are appealing for information about an elderly Chinese man who was found roaming the streets in the early hours of the morning.
A farm which gives people the chance to walk with alpacas has welcomed a special new addition to its herd.
A damning report has been issued detailing shocking conditions at asylum seeker centres in Kent.
Secret Drinker returns to a city centre pub to see what's changed in 35 years
A publican who has pulled more than five and a half million pints in his 40-year landlordship says 2020 has been his most challenging year yet.
A primary school is set to welcome a mental health specialist to help children cope with conditions like anxiety and low self-esteem as they grow up.
Wastewater in parts of Kent is being checked for traces of Covid-19 to help indicate any signs of a possible spike in cases.
A 42-acre strip of woodland that is home to squirrels and a number of types of birds is for sale as an 'investment opportunity' for £1.5 million.
There are more than 30 cases of coronavirus at prison, which has affected both staff and prisoners.
At least seven care homes in Kent could be used to accommodate patients being discharged from hospital who test positive for coronavirus this winter.
A swindler who used other people's addresses to get hold of deliveries of high-end goods has been locked up.
A group of primary school age pupils and a staff member have been told to self isolate following confirmation of a positive Coronavirus case.
A boss at a care home which lost 10 residents to Covid-19 has told of the difficulties staff have faced and how they're prepared for the months ahead.
The eastbound carriageway of the M26 has been closed following a crash.
We asked Kent MPs to explain why they voted against extending free school meals to holiday time.
Bodyworn camera footage has captured the moment a county lines drug dealer from London was apprehended by plain clothes police in Kent.
A proposal for a cable car to link an iconic castle with the town it overlooks has been granted £1.5 million in funding.
Kent's former Covid-positive residents are being called on to donate blood plasma.
A woman whose flat was raided as part of a mass drugs operation was found dead exactly two months later, an inquest heard.
The RSPCA is seeking information about a video of a hamster being killed with a gun.
A dad is seeking to highlight the symptoms of cancer after his daughter was misdiagnosed twice and it took nine attempts to get his son a scan.
Residents were left stunned after an NHS Blood and Transplant lorry was given a parking notice.
A community champion has branded a local MP 'weak' after blocking the extension of free school meals throughout the holidays.
Motorists are warned that the Kingsferry Bridge linking the Isle of Sheppey to the mainland will be closed to traffic this weekend for TV filming.