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Frustrated theatre-goers are calling for changes to a car park after being forced to queue in the "freezing cold" for half an hour.
Two men have been arrested after a man suffered a head wound in a disturbance at a property.
A global meeting of Anglican leaders banning gay spouses has sparked widespread controversy.
Two men from Kent denied modern slavery charges when they appeared in court after a police raid on a yacht.
The inhabitants of two wild animal parks in Kent have been tucking into some early Easter treats.
An inquest has been held into the death of a former plant pathologist who spent six years working in east Africa.
Highways England traffic officers picked up a rather unusual creature when they were out on patrol on the M25.
A council has promised to 'act quickly' to 'secure the removal' of two unauthorised encampments.
Here is the first picture of a pub landlord who was taken to hospital after collapsing in the dock when he was sentenced over fraud.
Police have received new information about a missing teenage girl.
Parts of Operation Brock have been dismantled but the no-deal Brexit motorway plan is still on the table.
An animal charity says a cat has been killed and mutilated and parts of it were missing.
Property mogul Fergus Wilson claims government plans making it harder for tenants to be evicted at short notice will put landlords off renting.
A couple have worked for six years to turn a run down, disused church into a home like no other.
A 6.5-mile stretch of the A2 has reopned after police closed the road following a lorry crash.
A man has been jailed for six years after trying to recruit a “hitman” to deal with a family issue.
An inquest has opened into the death of a 23-year-old man who was hit by a train.
Voters are angered by Brexit failure, warns key election campaign director for the Conservatives.
Brexit contingency plans have led to thousands of rare orchids being uprooted by Kent County Council to make way for a drainage ditch.
Police are speaking with a man who is suspected of fleeing a crash scene which left one person in hospital.
A ticket office has been shut after glass was smashed in a break-in overnight.
Floorboards and boardgames went up in smoke as chimney liner overheated inside a house.
Emergency services are currently dealing with a crash on the A28 after a Smart car rolled over.
From Easter egg hunts to family trails, outings and quizzes, here's our guide to what's going on across Kent for the Easter weekend.
Confusion over new restrictions to wood burning stoves are driving some of a district’s businesses into the ground.
A hospital has said it has no plans to reopen its helipad despite a planning application suggesting the contrary.
Serial killer Patrick Mackay confessed to brutally murdering 11 people.
The safety concerns of parents who fear crossing the road with their children is leading to calls to improve the "dangerous" layout.
Police hope the public can help locate a missing girl.
VIDEO: Tea room owner is gutted after a man smashed through the front door and stole £250.