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A scheme to create “genuinely” affordable homes on a former pub site and old garages has received a cash boost.
Violence and persistent bad behaviour have resulted in a surge in the number of children being ousted from schools.
A nightclub boss is to stand trial accused of sexually abusing children more than 30 years ago.
The landlords of a pub which went up in flames yesterday have paid tribute to the quick-thinking actions of staff – which may well have saved it.
A man has died following a serious crash on a stretch of road, which had to be closed for nearly 12 hours.
An air ambulance landed in a village park late last night
Britain’s Got Talent judge Amanda Holden has enjoyed a stay at a Kent animal park.
Monday morning commuter plans have been thrown into disarray after a car crashed into a level crossing, causing major tailbacks and gridlock.
A veterinary hospital is to be named after presenter and animal lover Paul O’Grady after almost half a million pounds was raised following his death.
The family of an underage girl bombarded with explicit selfies by a 32-year-old roofer says he “got off lightly” after he was spared jail.
An Indian restaurant has been hit with the lowest possible hygiene rating after having no hot water for 10 days.
A planning inspector has quashed a planning committee’s original rejection for 10 houses on farmland.
A centre in Kent will be the latest to celebrate the rise of a fast-growing racquet sport sweeping the country with new state-of-the-art facilities.
A proposal for a large solar farm in an AONB is causing division.
A “kind and unique” man who lived in the woods for 20 years and was known for his love of animals was killed by a falling tree.
A working fire engine has appeared for sale on Facebook Marketplace – after the owner used it to save his own thatched home.
A jogger was “bitten on the buttocks” by a dog running loose around a park while its owner slept in his van nearby.
For the first time, the full story of how “The Godfather” ended up falling in love with Kent can be revealed.
A tattoo shop venture which started as a side hustle and has now inked everyone from celebrities to pensioners has been crowned the county’s best.
Animal rights protestors had meat products waved in their faces by shoppers after they filled the milk aisle of a supermarket.
Christmas lights displays will go ahead in five town centres after the council controversial cut funding for them.
People who have bought food products from a firm selling at markets across Kent have been warned they might die if they eat them.
A new image has been released as police continue to search for a missing teenage girl.
A popular park blighted by anti-social behaviour and ailing facilities is set for a long-anticipated revamp thanks to campaigners.
The motorway has been shut in both directions and the air ambulance called after a man was hit by a lorry.
A fire has broken out in a bungalow with large plumes of smoke billowing from the roof.
A mother and daughter are aiming to run the London Marathon, after being hit by a van and seriously injured.
The owners of a seafood restaurant have vowed not to rock the boat after the establishment made its way onto the Michelin Guide.
The sister of a young woman described as a “ray of sunshine” has launched a fundraiser following her tragic death.
The sister of a young woman described as a “ray of sunshine” has launched a fundraiser following her tragic death.