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A pub has hit back at a scathing review after CCTV revealed diners had gobbled up their Sunday lunches – despite claiming the food was “inedible”.
Secret Thinker finds himself questioning what we can do to address our biases after reacting in a certain way to a group of people.
A missing 15-year-old girl has been found safe and well.
The reopening date of a swimming pool at a leisure centre has been revealed after months of uncertainty about the venue’s future.
Construction is set to start next month on a controversial development which received more than 1,000 objections before getting the green light.
Traders have branded Southern Water’s excuses for its latest round of spillages as “the same s***, different day – literally!”
Warehouse workers have raised concerns after spotting rats scurrying around an outdoor pallet area.
Is the answer to Kent’s housing crisis turfing the elderly out of their family homes?
A security camera has captured the bizarre moment a woman with a torch is seen snooping around a garden amid a series of reported plant thefts.
More farmland could be gobbled up for housing following the submission of a scheme for 1,461 new homes, a medical centre and school.
Work has started inside a new Greggs branch which is set to open in the next few weeks.
Two boys – aged 13 and 14 – have been arrested after punching and kicking a teen at a railway station as they stole his necklace.
Tributes have been pouring in to former KM Media Group photographer Dave Downey, who has died after a short illness.
A man in his 50s has died after a car was reportedly driven over a cliff.
Rishi Sunak has visited a laboratory in the county to explain why he is trying to prevent young children from getting their hands on vapes.
Childhood silliness today risks kids making an appearance on social media residents’ groups - and it isn’t always justified, suggests our columnist.
Concerns are growing for a missing man who has not been seen for nine days.
Plans to create a ‘Little City’ at a historic fort with new hotels, restaurants and galleries have officially launched.
A convicted sex offender was found in possession of extreme pornography when police visited his home to check he wasn’t breaching a court order.
A pub landlord has unveiled plans to expand amid a wave of closures as costs climb and customers rein in their spending.
A housing developer is getting ready to build a new roundabout and hundreds of homes, seven years after it was first given planning permission.
Members of a WI committee need help to raise thousands of pounds to replace their hall's floor after a hole developed in it.
A spurned lover stalked her former partner and his new girlfriend for months and even turned up at his new lover’s address and workplace.
A sewage release has sparked a no bathing warning for a town’s main beach sparking anger from residents.
Traffic had to be stopped with one lane closed after a van crashed on the M20 in a crash reportedly involving several vehicles.
A man in his 70s was rushed to hospital with serious injuries as another is arrested after a crash between a motorbike and a car.
Who has played the most significant role in making Kent what it is today? In the first of a two-part series we take a look at some of the candidates.
A diabetes sufferer who has lived with the condition for almost 50 years met his future wife in hospital as she nursed him.
Talks have taken place about providing a direct high-speed rail link between Thanet and the Dorset seaside resort of Bournemouth.
Conservationists have slammed a takeway for its signage in a historic town centre claiming it its out of sync with its Tudor surroundings.