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A former factory cleaner has denied lacing office coffee with chemicals including Viagra in a bid to “poison” colleagues.
Police investigating an aggravated burglary have released a CCTV image of a man they would like to speak to.
One of the county’s leading sparkling wine producers has confirmed the appointment of its new CEO.
As more and more landlords decide to sell their properties, a forum takes place to discuss the challenges faced.
Shrinkflation – where goods reduce in size but still cost the same – is despised but do producers really have any choice in the matter?
A nursery is planting rare fruit varieties to help firms off-set their carbon footprint.
Is there a task more satisfying than chopping wood with an axe? Here, Secret Thinker describes his love of DIY and playing with ‘boys’ toys’.
Polls show the Reform Party is growing in support in most Kent seats – and its leader says: “People are not laughing at us now.”
A council is set to build two tower blocks on a former library despite neighbours’ claims the area has already been “crammed full with properties”.
A dog walker whose golden retriever was almost hit by a car says something needs to be done to stop brazen motorists driving down a closed road.
The first residents are set to move into a controversial housing estate by spring – as new traffic lights are switched on next month.
Even pupils admit life at school has improved after teachers started locking away phones in pouches.
A prolific shoplifter who stole alcohol and luxury items from supermarkets has been jailed.
A man has appeared in court following reports a fire station was allegedly broken into and a crew’s belongings stolen while they attended a blaze.
A popular seafront pub, which has been visited by likes of David Frost and Frankie Bridges, has undergone a huge refurb.
New images reveal how a town’s fourth Costa coffee shop – due to open later this year – will look.
One of Kent County Council’s most senior and highest paid officials has taken a sudden and unexpected leave of absence from her role.
Police are growing increasingly concerned for a missing pensioner and have urged the public to call 999 if they spot her.
Kent County Council has performed a dramatic u-turn over plans it announced less than a week ago to sell off its libraries.
A leading producer of English sparkling wines has seen significant growth in sales according to its latest financial figures.
A sickly litter of tiny puppies were discovered dumped in brutally cold weather with disfigurements and covered in mange.
Cybercriminals claim they have stolen data from a water company’s IT systems.
A firefighter’s belongings were stolen from a fire station by thieves who struck while crews were out on a call.
Officers are appealing for help to find a missing man from Kent after his property was found in London.
As part of a special series of shows, KMTV has sat down with a council leader to discuss some key talking points.
Greggs has scrapped plans for a 24-hour licence at one of its Kent branches after fears were raised it could lead to a rise in anti-social behaviour.
A throwaway comment about launching a business has inspired a young couple to open their first restaurant.
A family left with a huge vets bill after their cat was “horrifically” shot are appealing for help after the police said they won’t be investigating.
A school has launched a crackdown on parents late to collect their children by threatening to hit them in the pocket.
A man who contacted his ex-girlfriend on social media despite a court ban was caught out by his own poor spelling.