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A talented student died when he was hit by a lorry hours after a man-of-the-match performance in a university football game, an inquest heard.
As many as 150 Dartford Crossing toll workers are facing redundancy under a new barrier-less payment system, it has emerged.
Commuters have been facing long delays this morning after a smash between a car and lorry led to a woman being trapped and an oil spill.
The number of teenage conceptions across Kent has fallen by almost a third over the last five years, new figures reveal.
A fraudster who stole more than £9,000 from a housing organisation has avoided jail after a judge heard he will soon be confined to a wheelchair.
The KM Group's editorial apprentice is heading to Downing Street today to meet David Cameron for a reception to mark National Apprenticeship Week.
A Scout leader highly respected by countless boys and girls is behind bars after his vile collection of 2,500 child abuse images was discovered.
An adventurous boy has discovered a wartime shell on only the second time he has used his metal detector - just weeks after finding rocket heads.
A small dog and its owner have been hurt after a terrifying attack on a recreation ground.
A driver has been seriously injured in a three-car crash on the A249 this afternoon that has left others hurt.
A woman in her 20s has been injured after a crash on the M2 this afternoon.
Two Staffordshire bull terriers that killed alpacas have won a reprieve after a court ruled they should not be put down. Warning: Graphic image.
Police are investigating claims an 11-year-old boy was grabbed by a stranger in a parked car.
A man will stand trial with three others over the death of a pensioner found dead in a shop - after today denying he prevented her lawful burial.
Three policemen have appeared in court today charged with conspiring to pervert the course of justice over the existence of CCTV footage of an arrest.
A family have been left devastated after council contractors drove a digger over a man's grave - leaving it churned up and covered in tyre marks.
Bomb disposal experts have carried out a controlled explosion after four war-time shells washed up on mudflats this morning.
Police are investigating a burglary at a town centre jeweller's early this morning.
A man is being sought by detectives today after a 16-year-old girl fought off an attacker who grabbed her in an alley.
A wannabe teacher with a sick haul of 7,000 disgusting sex abuse images wormed his way into school placements to secretly take pictures of youngsters.
A man was stunned to discover more than a ruff image of a dog when he flipped a pancake last night.
Kent's largest hospital has been slammed in a damning report after inspectors found A&E patients waiting more than 11 hours in filthy conditions.
A door-to-door salesman who took advantage of a kindly 90-year-old Alzheimer's sufferer by stealing £2,000 has been spared jail.
A teenager's feet are still in the clouds after becoming one of Britain's youngest helicopter pilots - and qualified to teach others to fly.
A perverted former school lab technician who met a young boy on an internet chatroom before trying to entice him to his home for sex has been jailed.
A man flown to hospital after being rescued from a pond today is in intensive care.
Yobs behaved "like animals" when they launched a vicious attack on a family enjoying a ferry crossing - including punching a boy in the face.
The beloved horse of a woman who lost her battle with cancer joined mourners at the side of her grave today.
The Independent Police Complaints Commission is investigating the response by officers to the disappearance of a teenager later found dead.
A school has issued a warning after two girls were approached by a suspicious man - amid fears pupils are befriending strangers on social media.
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