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Inmate missing from Kent prison is killer

Inmate missing from Kent prison is killer

A prisoner being hunted after going missing from Kent was once convicted of killing a female cashier in an armed robbery, it has emerged.

Tree-rex: 'Dinosaur' lurks in the woods

Tree-rex: 'Dinosaur' lurks in the woods

Walkers have been greeted by the sight of a pre-historic surprise on a stroll through woodland.

Multi-million pounds town centre revamp gets thumbs-up

Multi-million pounds town centre revamp gets thumbs-up

A public consultation attended by 1,500 people has given a cautious welcome to £85m regeneration plans.

Accused 'stood and laughed during deadly attack on homeless man'

Accused 'stood and laughed during deadly attack on homeless man'

One of two men accused of killing a rough sleeper after an attack in a popular park "stood there laughing" during the assault, a jury heard.

Hollywood star wades into nude row

Hollywood star wades into nude row

A Captain America actress has caused a stir after saying it was a "shame" naturists were not welcome on a Kent beach.

Was James Bond's famous Aston born on the Kent coast?

Was James Bond's famous Aston born on the Kent coast?

From Deal with love - how a lovingly-restored Aston Martin might have inspired 007 author Ian Fleming's book Goldfinger.

Doctor tells of 'desperate' calls for ambulance for baby

Doctor tells of 'desperate' calls for ambulance for baby

A doctor told an inquest of his 'desperate' attempts to arrange an ambulance to transfer a critically ill four-day-old baby.

Staff threatened in terrifying knife raids

Staff threatened in terrifying knife raids

Police investigating carbon-copy knife raids on two shops in which staff were threatened last night have released CCTV images in an appeal for help.

Driver spared jail after pensioner killed in day trip horror crash

Driver spared jail after pensioner killed in day trip horror crash

A man has today avoided prison after being convicted of causing the death of a pensioner by careless driving in a crash at the end of a day trip.

Where staff simply slide to their desks

Where staff simply slide to their desks

Who needs stairs when you can take the slide? An office has installed an unusual way for staff to travel between floors...

First-aider denies rape and sex attacks

First-aider denies rape and sex attacks

A St John Ambulance member sexually assaulted women while carrying out an "assessment" and treating patients, jurors have been told.

Council tax set to go up for first time in three years

Council tax set to go up for first time in three years

Kent families are set to see their council tax bills increase by about £20 next year under plans to save Kent County Council as much as £81million.

Family's grief at tragic death of 'stunningly beautiful girl'

Family's grief at tragic death of 'stunningly beautiful girl'

A teenager killed when she was hit by a car while walking with her boyfriend has today been described as popular and generous by her grieving family.

Bookie and wife attacked at home by masked thugs over debt claims

Bookie and wife attacked at home by masked thugs over debt claims

A bookmaker has told how he thought he would be killed when two thugs attacked him and his wife in their home over claims of a £2,000 debt.

Car bursts into flames in town centre

Car bursts into flames in town centre

A car has erupted into flames in a town centre this morning, causing delays for commuters.

'I brought my dad home a bomb'

'I brought my dad home a bomb'

A schoolboy has told how he dug up two unexploded wartime rocket heads with his new metal detector - before proudly taking them home to show his dad.

Girl, 12, stuck in metal tube at playground

Girl, 12, stuck in metal tube at playground

A schoolgirl has been rescued by firefighters after getting stuck in a metal tube at a playground.

Boy's distress as family ordered to tear down shed housing racing pigeons

Boy's distress as family ordered to tear down shed housing racing pigeons

A young pigeon fancier is devastated at the prospect of having to give up his beloved birds after council officials ordered their shed was torn down.

Owners reunited... with stolen cacti

Owners reunited... with stolen cacti

It is one of the most bizarre reunions... but the return of stolen cacti is sure to prick a tear in the eye for its owners.

Paedophile gave girl, 15, chips and cannabis to pose topless

Paedophile gave girl, 15, chips and cannabis to pose topless

A convicted paedophile is behind bars after taking "evil advantage" of a 15-year-old girl by giving her cider, chips and cannabis to pose topless.

Pub overwhelmed with donations for family made homeless in blaze

Pub overwhelmed with donations for family made homeless in blaze

A Facebook group set up to help a family made homeless in a house blaze has been swamped with hundreds of offers of help... from freezers to beds.

Safety probe launched after man trapped under car transporter

Safety probe launched after man trapped under car transporter

Health and safety inspectors have launched an investigation after a man was seriously injured when he became trapped under a car transporter.

On-the-run ostrich ruffles feathers

On-the-run ostrich ruffles feathers

An escaped ostrich has been causing traffic chaos today by racing cars at more than 40mph on a main road.

Police name man who died in mystery bike fall

Police name man who died in mystery bike fall

A 69-year-old who died following a fall from his bicycle has been named today as Lennie Stevens.

New report denies welfare changes can be linked to hikes in homeless and crime

New report denies welfare changes can be linked to hikes in homeless and crime

A re-written council report has downplayed the links between welfare reforms and a rise in crime and homelessness after a previous study was pulled.

Dead birds found in cock-fighting raid

Dead birds found in cock-fighting raid

Three men have been arrested after dead cockerels were found among hundreds of birds and a suspected fighting ring in a raid on a farm.

Kent law experts win atheist's landmark asylum case

Kent law experts win atheist's landmark asylum case

An Afghan asylum seeker has won the right to stay in the UK - because he's an atheist.

'We were worried the house was going to explode'

'We were worried the house was going to explode'

A neighbour's told of the frightening moment flames engulfed a home... as a woman fled for her life.

Couple jailed after enjoying high life with stolen £360k

Couple jailed after enjoying high life with stolen £360k

A husband and wife have been locked up after buying luxury items and taking expensive holidays with almost £360,000 stolen from a construction firm.

Desperate to get to root of tree dispute

Desperate to get to root of tree dispute

Neighbours have fallen out over a huge tree that toppled over in the storms and has been left lying on a home for more than two weeks.

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