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Wetherspoon officials have begun talks about opening a hotel above one of its seafront bars.
Registrations of plug-in vehicles are up by more than 40%, the latest figures show.
MP Tracey Crouch met some of the life-savers at Kent Air Ambulance as it prepares to mark 30 years of voluntary service.
A pub landlord accused of assaulting a reveller as he broke up a disturbance has been acquitted by a jury.
Two additional cutter vessels are to be used as part of a range of measures to help tackle the migrant crisis.
More than 60 fire doors that failed tests after the Grenfell fire tragedy remain in council properties.
Councillors have backed plans for a purpose-built primary school.
An abandoned car was found on the central reservation of a dual carriageway.
A Victorian wedding venue is under threat as a council seeks to move staff into the building to save money.
Cash, a passport, chequebook and bank card were stolen after a woman in her 80s was targeted by a burglar.
Famous sporting brothers who played for clubs in Kent have been "shamed" for milking a charity set up for poor African children.
A powerful documentary featuring the murder of Gillingham teenager, Kyle Yule is featured on Channel 4 this evening.
Firearm officers swooped on a seafront bar after a man reportedly brandished a weapon and threatened a victim.
An investigation has been launched into claims a teenager threatened shoot dead pupils and staff at a secondary school.
A busy road had to be closed this afternoon for the recovery of a dead bird.
WARNING: GRAPHIC VIDEO. A mum was shocked to come face to face with a severed fox head on a zebra crossing.
A mum who successfully fought for tougher sentences for fentanyl dealers in memory of her son has welcomed the first convictions.
Two Belgians have been arrested in connection with terrorism as they tried to arrive in Britain.
Interpreter costs “continue to be a major burden” on Kent County Council’s finances because of a shortage of translators living in the area.
A key route is set to be closed off for up to four months, as part of vital sewage works, starting today.
A review has concluded ineffective procedures led to missed opportunities to stop abuse at a secure children's centre which featured in a BBC expose.
Police searching for a missing person found a man in a serious condition in woodland, who later died.
Two more groups of migrants trying to reach Britain via Kent have been rescued overnight.
People should expected more ice and frost later this week and look out for their elderly and vulnerable neighbours as the cold spell continues.
A man accused of attempting to murder a woman thought to be his mother has appeared in court.
Convenience store the Co-op will be the first big name supermarket to join 1,300 homes, a school and hotel in a garden city.
A final decision on a planned reorganisation of stroke services in Kent will be made next month, it has been confirmed.
The opening of a new secondary school in a city has been put back a year, KentOnline can reveal.
Teenagers have allegedly offered cigarettes and drugs to primary school pupils during playtime in a shocking incident.
Police, coastguard, fire and ambulance crews were called after a body was found on a beach.
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