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High-speed services have been brought to a standstill due to electrical supply issues
Police have confirmed a man’s body has been discovered in a car.
Eight fire engines tackled a blaze that broke out at a property last night.
Part of a busy motorway had to shut while emergency crews dealt with a vehicle fire, causing long queues for commuters.
A crackdown on “intimidating” beggars will see wardens dish out £100 fines – but those in genuine need fear they might be caught in the crossfire.
Plans reveal a Grade II-listed pub run by Paul Hollywood's wife could be closed and converted into a residential property.
The landlord of a pub that allowed underage drinking and crime and disorder has been removed following a licence review leaving him £9k in debt.
Ofsted has rated a nursery “inadequate” after inspectors concluded “children’s safety and security cannot be assured”.
A carer who stole thousands of pounds from people with learning disabilities has been ordered to repay every penny – or go to prison.
Taxpayers will have to foot the bill after developers won an appeal to build more than 40 homes on farmland in a ‘tranquil’ community.
A carpenter pulled a knife out of his waistband and threatened to stab a man, claiming he had been robbed by him just weeks before.
Four swanky homes boasting a rooftop terrace are set to be built behind a boat club under fresh council plans.
An ‘industrious’ council is turning up the heat on major supermarkets by increasing fines dished out to them for failing to collect tipped trollies.
A taxi driver who was threatened with a knife by an angry customer hid in a petrol station toilet for an hour until police arrived.
150 years ago a woman was born in Kent who would go on to create one of the most iconic children’s characters.
A “health hazard”, “simply dreadful”, “dire” and “an embarrassment” – surely this bowling alley couldn’t be as bad as the Tripadvisor reviews claim.
There were some “electrifying” nights out in Kent back in the 1980s and 1990s, when people could still smoke indoors and celebrities came to town.
Five people have been jailed after selling sick puppies, some which later died, and pocketing £500,000 for the scam.
A lorry driver has been jailed for four years for trafficking charges after 22 people, including a child, were found in a lorry heading for France.
A 33-year-old has died in hospital after suffering stab wounds at a house while a man was charged with attempted murder before her death.
Fans of Maidstone United are celebrating the club making incredible cup history by knocking out Premier League promotion-chasing Ipswich Town.
Villagers are fighting to save an iconic windmill they say is part of the fabric of their community as Kent County Council plans to sell it off.
A leisure centre is set to get a new splash pad and refurbished soft play area as part of a £2.5 million investment.
A dessert company with more than 200 stores across the country is set to open its latest egg-free cake shop in Kent.
There are fears families in a village will be unable to access “vital” children’s services following a decision to close a kid’s health clinic.
We tried out a trendy new bar aiming to bring a slice of London nightlife to Kent.
A warm and welcoming village club with “top-notch” beer and a bumper entertainment package has been named the country’s best two years on the trot.
We have rounded up a list of our reader’s oldest pets, including dogs, cats, a guinea pig and a parrot.
Worried shoppers are calling for “ridiculously high” new speed bumps at a retail park which scrape and damage cars to be lowered.
Not so long ago, state secondary schools in Kent regularly boasted swimming pools. Our columnist recalls the perils of the chilly waters.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!