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Anxious parents say their children were "petrified for their lives" following an incident at a secondary school.
A heartbroken mum says a Kent hospital "failed" her son after he died at just seven months old.
Four men who were responsible for the deaths of a family-of-five have been jailed after their boat sunk in freezing temperatures.
The landlord of a pub once recognised in the Michelin Guide is calling last orders as he says the hospitality industry is in a "scary state".
There are delays on the Dartford Crossing approach following reports of an accident involving multiple vehicles.
An investigation has been launched after a woman was reportedly raped with two witnesses potentially key to helping police as an appeal is launched.
A controversial development of almost 400 homes in a village is set to go ahead despite residents’ fears of overdevelopment and congestion.
A movie filmed on the Kent coast has been nominated for an Academy Award.
A large group of dogs and puppies are now in the care of the RSPCA after being found at a home where a man was found dead.
A man has been arrested on suspicion of arson after a blaze ripped through a house - days after a suspected cannabis farm was uncovered.
Flights could be taking off from Kent to popular holiday destinations such as Spain in the next five years, airport bosses hope.
An inquest has heard the full details of how a man accused of killing his girlfriend, who was in the back of his van, died may never be known.
Author JK Rowling has defended Kent MP Rosie Duffield after leaked audio was published of a colleague criticising her.
Families living in a picturesque valley set to be filled to create a huge reservoir have told of their sadness at the prospect of losing their homes.
A disabled woman and her partner living with a critter infestation since before the pandemic have claimed it is due to repair works by the landlord.
Columnist Lauren Abbott hopes anyone angry at teachers striking will look at the wider picture.
Work is ongoing to remove a mountain of illegally dumped tyres which has closed a coastal path for 15 months.
A bedbound woman with dwarfism faced being thrown from a window by her abusive boyfriend after he accused her of being lazy.
Plans to shut off parts of a critical route for two months will drive tourists away from two Kent seaside towns, business owners fear.
A town's long-awaited new marina has finally been given an opening date after years of delays.
An "academically gifted" hockey player had shown no intention of ending his life before his tragic death, an inquest has heard.
Police and an ambulance crew were seen on a busy road after being called to a 'disturbance'.
A gang member who was stabbed by a county line drug dealer has been jailed after being found with crack cocaine and heroin.
Suspected nuisance drivers were told to leave a retail park by police at the weekend following a dispersal order issued after a tip-off.
Bosses behind a popular pub are selling up just four months after a redesign as rising costs have made it "harder than ever to stay afloat'.
Part of the motorway will be closed while works take place to store the temporary crash barrier.
A woman who worked at a Covid testing centre at the height of the pandemic has released a book about her experiences.
Farm owners have won their bid to open a shop selling produce by converting a former cow shed.
A man who inflicted fatal injuries when he attacked his partner with a knife through a broken door has admitted manslaughter - but denies murder.
A brick-wielding gang member allegedly confronted a man and tried to steal his bike while another threw a crate of milk during the suspected robbery.