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A family say they have been left traumatised by birds dying under solar panels on their home and being left there for months.
The UK's stock of fireworks is the latest item to be hit by supply issues, which may lead to less availability and higher prices.
A renowned artist has unveiled plans to build a home studio clad in laser-cut metal featuring his signature doodles.
A woman who had a row with her partner in a pub later put her baby in her car and drove dangerously without ensuring the tot was safely strapped in.
The sister of convicted killer Michael Stone has told of her 24-year battle to prove he didn't kill Lin and Megan Russell.
A supermarket petrol station has reserved the remainder of its fuel for emergency services as thousands of stations run out of diesel and petrol.
A 27-year-old is in custody after a lorry driver was found stabbed outside a railway station.
AN RNLI crew member was abused for using jerry cans to fill up a lifeboat amid the ongoing fuel crisis.
Diners have been awaiting the launch a rooftop restaurant at the summit of an ugly office block - but the approved project has not progressed.
A village is set to see the return of one of its historic industries after permission was granted for a brewery, brasserie and bar.
Anxious drivers are causing huge queues at petrol stations as many garages have been forced to shut their pumps.
A couple who run a panic room venue have spoken of their excitement at taking their success across the pond to the USA.
Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer has spoken out on a transgender row involving a Kent MP, stating it is 'not right' to say only women have a cervix.
Firefighters are continuing to work at the scene of a huge blaze at an industrial estate, with neighbours warned to keep doors and windows closed.
A landlord who tried to break up a fight between a couple was subjected to an 'astonishing and fearsome' attack and stabbed in the back.
The family and friends of a young man fighting cancer have appealed to the public to help him win his battle.
Three fire engines remain at the scene of a fire in an industrial estate.
A campaigner for fairer fuel prices has been the victim of a prankster who marked his home on Google as a Shell service station.
Police investigating the murder of school teacher Sabina Nessa are urging people in the county to study CCTV images as they broaden their net.
A petrol station worker has been hit by a car with an "impatient driver" at the wheel, as panic buying intensified.
Panic buying has seen key motorway services on the M2 and M20 run dry today.
The announcement about the premises which has hosted bands for more than two decades prompted scores of people to come out in support.
As the fuel situation worsens with drivers rushing to the pumps, people's weekend plans have been left in tatters.
Well-wishers in Kent joined hundreds around the country in holding a vigil for Sabina Nessa who was killed as she walked to a pub at night.
A road has been closed for several hours after emergency services rushed to help two people seriously injured.
Drivers have been queuing through the night as panic buying fuel sees prices at some pumps soar despite assurances there is plenty available.
Almost 100 beach huts are set to be added to the coast - with councillors expecting them to give neglected parts of a town a much-needed boost.
A rapist who stalked social media to blackmail children for vile images of themselves could be facing jail.
As thousands of Labour party members head to Brighton, we take a look at what the party needs to do to get back on top.
The financial pressures on motorists continue as it is revealed the prices of some of our most popular cars are rising faster than wages.
Trying to find the right nursery, school, college, university or training provider in Kent or Medway? Our Education Directory has everything you could possibly need!