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A landlord is being prosecuted by a council for the alleged unlawful eviction of tenants from her privately-rented properties.
The continuing costs of dealing with the impact of the pandemic could leave County Council facing a budget black hole of more than £100 million, its finance chiefs have warned.
Shopping centre security staff and a member of the public fought to save an elderly shopper's life when he suffered a cardiac arrest.
A man left paralysed after a fall at work 27 years ago has been fined and hit with a restraining order after sending threatening letters to one of the colleagues he blamed for making his injuries worse.
across the county are continuing to fall as the economy continues to slowly improve after a year of .
A coroner heard how it took two hours to find a pensioner who had fallen from his moored boat in the middle of the night.
A staggering £2.6 billion of council tax help to help cut the cost of bills, went unclaimed by 2.7million people last year. Could you be entitled?
People enjoying a drink in a yacht club were bemused to see one of Kent's ferries apparently floating in the sky.
A bride-to-be who has already had to reschedule her wedding three times says she almost 'burst into tears' when she saw the dream venue she had booked for her reception destroyed by fire.
We discover a quirky tea room where you can dine under an old gas mask, read vintage Rupert annuals and share your table with a dish of radio valves.
We spoke to some of the people living near a former Army barracks being used to house asylum seekers to find out what life is like living beside it.
A 21-year-old has been banned from driving for two years after drunkenly riding an electric scooter without insurance.
With panoramic views over the English Channel, the exclusive Leas at Kingsdown is one of the most desirable locations to live in
A Hollywood celebrity has shared an Instagram artist's reimaginings of one of Kent's public beach artworks.
A lorry driver has been remanded in custody after being charged with attempting to smuggle drugs into the UK.
A couple outraged by the size of their fish and chip portion abused staff at a restaurant.
Dumping a company's rubbish illegally in a country lane has earned a repeat fly-tipping offender a hefty fine.
A budget supermarket giant has submitted plans to build a second branch as it eyes up expansion opportunities locally.
A total of 37 people had to be airlifted from a sandbank they were trapped on before tidal waters poured in.
A van driver who tricked a woman into accepting a lift before raping her has been jailed for eight years.
A man is in police custody after a racist video was posted online following England's Euro 2020 final loss.
A family has spoken of their devastation after a fire ripped through their nightclub business just days before it could open without Covid rules.
Highways England have released new images and a video in a bid to show improvements have been made to the Lower Thames Crossing scheme.
Two men from Romania appear in court next month after allegedly being found with 9mm firearms at a Kent port.
A woman fled to safety after being sexually assaulted in a nature reserve.
A new Storytime app has been launched by BBC children's channel Cbeebies, with more diverse stories to 'better reflect' all children in the UK.
An 18-year-old driver has been tragically killed in crash on a busy road.
Drone images show a bar has been reduced to rubble after a devastating fire in a town centre.
A driver has pleaded guilty to causing the death of a motorcyclist after a crash in August last year.
A 19-year-old from Kent is due in court after becoming the fifth person charged with the murder of a teenager who was stabbed.
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