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Asset managers turned back on people and planet in 2023 voting – campaigners

By: PA News

Published: 02:45, 10 January 2024

Updated: 00:02, 11 January 2024

Asset managers have been criticised for their voting on environmental and social shareholder resolutions in 2023. (Danny Lawson/PA)

The world’s largest asset managers turned their backs on people and the planet when it came to voting at 2023 shareholder meetings, campaigners have said.

ShareAction, which campaigns for responsible investment, analysed how the top 60 asset managers voted on resolutions aimed at making companies address their environmental and social impact.

In its Voting Matters report, the charity found that the proportion of votes supporting such measures was the lowest it has ever been since it first published the annual analysis in 2019.

The researchers found that in 2023 only 3% of assessed resolutions passed – down from 21% in 2021.


Of the environmental resolutions assessed, 3% passed last year compared to 32% in 2021, with investors like JP Morgan Asset Management, State Street Global Advisers and Baillie Gifford frequently voting against them.

ShareAction said this comes despite these firms having policies which claim they are working to protect the planet by achieving net zero emissions, leaving them open to claims of hypocrisy and greenwashing.

Meanwhile, on social resolutions, the report found a drop in majority support from 15% in 2021 to 4% in 2023, with large asset managers like BlackRock, Vanguard, Fidelity and State Street voting them down.

Among the resolutions these investors opposed was one asking the owners of high street retailer TK Maxx to report on human rights risks in their supply chain.

Claudia Gray, head of Financial Sector Research at ShareAction, said: “What we are seeing is asset managers turning their backs on people and planet on an unprecedented scale.

“Efforts to change urgent climate, biodiversity and social issues will face a steep uphill struggle if asset managers do not support them.”


The report ranked 69 of the world’s largest asset managers on how they voted on assessed resolutions at annual general meetings last year.

It then compared them to the asset managers’ policies and public statements, finding a clear distinction between the way European and North American asset managers voted in 2023.

The researchers found that European asset managers have a much better record of voting for resolutions protecting the environment, and human and employee rights, than their US counterparts.

In the UK, support hovers at around 64% on average, while US asset managers on average only voted for 25%.

The report also reveals the trend toward more responsible voting practices among European asset managers continues unabated with 88% of shareholder proposals on environmental and social issues supported on average.

However, support from BlackRock, Fidelity, Vanguard and State Street – known as the “big four” asset managers who have a massive influence on the companies they invest in – for environmental resolutions fell from 39% to 14% between 2021 and 2023 and support for social resolution fell from 29% to 13%.

A resolution at Amazon calling for an assessment of its workers’ union rights would have passed had the big four voted in favour, along with 68 other key resolutions, the analysis showed.

Ms Gray said: “This is the worst result we’ve seen from asset managers in recent years.

“Each day we see the impact of global warming with increased floods, fires and loss of the natural world.

“At the same time inequality is increasing, with many workers struggling to pay their bills while executives take increasing salaries and bonuses.

“The lack of support for key shareholder resolutions in 2023 is deeply concerning.

“It is even more worrying that some of the world’s largest asset managers are failing to support climate resolutions despite their public commitments to reduce carbon emissions.”

PA has contacted BlackRock, Fidelity Investment, Vanguard, State Street and JP Morgan Asset Management.

Baillie Gifford declined to comment.

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