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NHS worker Emma Robertson Coupland and Nicole Anderson died on February 4.
The 22-carat gold egg was commissioned by Cadbury’s from royal goldsmiths Garrard & Co as part of a treasure hunt promotion in 1983.
The Health Minister described Wales’ vaccine programme as the ‘beacon of hope that will help to guide us out of lockdown’.
The First Minister denied there was any political pressure behind the Crown Office’s intervention that led to Alex Salmond’s evidence being redacted.
AI technology could help analysts sift through ever-increasing and sophisticated data on criminal activity, officials said.
The Home Secretary discussed the matter with MPs on Wednesday.
A majority of adults also told Engage Britain that their mental health had been affected by other people’s attitude to the rules.
Muhammad Abdul Basir, 24, was formally acquitted during a hearing at the Old Bailey.
Airlines and travel firms have reported a surge in bookings since the Government revealed its road map for eased lockdown restrictions.
Residents in Newcastle upon Tyne have expressed concerns over an e-scooter scheme launched during the lockdown.
Industry representatives said animal product checks being carried out at the country’s ports needed to be digitalised.
Boris Johnson said he was ‘proud of the massive investments that the UK Treasury has made throughout the whole of the UK – £13 billion and more’.
Online business made up over a quarter of sales.
John Ware is suing Paddy French, of the Press Gang blog, over claims that his documentary Is Labour Anti-Semitic? ‘bent the truth to breaking point’.
But the PM accused Labour of presiding over council tax increases.
Sir Ed Davey raised the prospect of a potential boycott.
Research was commissioned by the Department for Education to understand the progress pupils make in the 2020 to 2021 academic year.
The former prime minister – now a Facebook executive – said the social network had no choice but to block news on the service last week.
Aodhan Connolly said the Northern Ireland Protocol had produced the greatest disruption to commerce since the foundation of the state a century ago.
A special show will also feature children who ‘achieve incredible things’.