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UK crane population rises to new high as once-lost species stages comeback

PA News

Cranes, which became extinct in the UK 400 years ago, have continued their recent comeback with a new high of 64 pairs recorded in a survey in 2020.

The common crane, which stands 4ft tall and is famous for its dancing courtship displays, vanished from this country in the 1600s as a result of hunting and a decline in their wetland habitat.

But the natural return of a few birds to Norfolk in 1979, and conservation work including restoring peatland, protecting wetlands and a reintroduction programme, has helped the species stage a comeback, wildlife experts said.

Juvenile cranes released by the Great Crane Project onto the Somerset Levels and Moors (Nick Upton/RSPB/PA)
Juvenile cranes released by the Great Crane Project onto the Somerset Levels and Moors (Nick Upton/RSPB/PA)

The latest survey shows a record 64 pairs across the UK in 2020, which produced 23 chicks.

With other birds not in breeding pairs, conservationists said the population of cranes in the UK was now thought to be more than 200 birds.

More than half of the cranes which have fledged in the UK since 1980 have fledged since 2015, making the last five years very productive for the birds, they said.

They have been helped by the Great Crane Project, a partnership between the RSPB, Wildfowl and Wetlands Trust and the Pensthorpe Conservation Trust, which began creating and improving existing habitat, as well as hand-rearing young birds for release on the Somerset Levels and Moors.

Newly released young cranes following their surrogate parents over the Somerset Levels and Moors as part of reintroduction scheme (Nick Upton/RSPB/PA)
Newly released young cranes following their surrogate parents over the Somerset Levels and Moors as part of reintroduction scheme (Nick Upton/RSPB/PA)

At least 85% of the breeding population are found on protected nature reserves, the survey shows.

Damon Bridge, chairman of the UK Crane Working Group said: “The return of cranes to the British landscape shows just how resilient nature can be when given the chance.

“If we want to see this success continue then these sites that cranes use and need must get adequate protection.”

Andrew Stanbury, RSPB conservation scientist, added: “If we want to see this amazing achievement repeated across the UK, governments must take action to designate the most important sites for this iconic species as part of the UK’s protected area network.”

Conservationists want to see strong protection for wetland habitats where cranes make their home, and which support a wide range of other wildlife, as well as providing protection from floods and storms and storing carbon.

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