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Warning after laser pen used to target coastguard helicopter at Lydd Airport

Police are investigating several reports of laser pens being shone at coastguard helicopters.

There have been three incidents in the past two months where the beams targeted the aircraft based at Lydd Airport.

Police are investigating several reports of laser pens being shone at coastguard helicopters
Police are investigating several reports of laser pens being shone at coastguard helicopters

Folkestone beat officer PC Steve Putland says the first incident was above the Skinner Road area of Lydd on November 28 at 4.22pm and 5.07pm as the helicopter passed over the town during training.

The second incident was as their fixed-wing aircraft was passing over the Newchurch area on December 30 at 3am.

And he says the most recent incident was yesterday at 5.45pm soon after the helicopter took off at Lydd Airport.

“As we all know, this could have had catastrophic consequences and it is only because of the skill of the crews that a major incident was avoided,” he posted on the My Community Voice website.

“I have known children to use laser pens in a way that could endanger others.

“Although I am not pointing the finger at any age group, I'd like to appeal to parents/guardians of children to educate them about the proper use of them if you know that your child has one.

“For any adult who owns a laser pen, I'd like to think they would know even pointing the beam into the sky would be dangerous and reckless.

“Pointing the laser beam at anything their use is not intended for would also be dangerous and reckless.”

Any information about the three incidents should be reported on the police website, quoting crime references 46/206269/24 for Skinner Road, 46/220062/24 for Newchurch and 46/16538/25 for Lydd Airport.

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