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Gogglebox stars Steph and Dom Parker in Channel 4 film about their fight to get cannabis oil for son Max who has severe epilepsy and autism

By: Beth Robson

Published: 11:00, 25 January 2019

Updated: 16:27, 25 January 2019

A Kent celebrity couple's fight to get a marijuana based drug to treat their son's deadly epileptic seizures will be televised.

Gogglebox's Steph and Dom Parker will feature in a Channel 4 film which will be broadcast on Monday.

It sees the one time Sandwich residents share their family story for the very first time.

Credit: Channel 4, Monday 28th January 9pm. Steph & Dom: Can Cannabis Save Our Son?

In recent months Steph and Dom have been given new hope with the increasingly effective use of medical marijuana / CBD being shown to control or even eliminate the deadly seizures which blight the life of Max, 18.


In nearby Aylesham, Teagan Appleby's 300 daily seizures have been significantly reduced and her condition has stabalised after receiving the treatment following a campaign backed by Kentonline and Dover MP Charlie Elphicke.

But the renowned 'posh couple from Gogglebox', like thousands of other UK families, are currently being refused this treatment for Max.

Produced by Frieda.TV, a camera crew follows them and 15 year old daughter Honor around their home and on their travels around the UK and US talking to families who have secured controversial cannabis oil treatment.

Steph and Dom Parker, with their children, Max, 18, and Honor, 15. (6724320)

In the one off film, they aim to get to the bottom of just how effective it could be for Max. They uncover the risks involved, as they try and decide whether this could be the miracle cure they’ve been looking for.

In a preview trailer of one of the interviews Steph says: "I know we're not going to fix him. We will never reverse the damage."

And Dom says: "I think quite a long time ago we came to the conclusion that there isn't going to be a cure, he's going to be like this for the rest of our lives. So the question is will cannabis oil save our son's life? I think it might!"

Max Parker, the 18 year-old son of Steph and Dom (6747912)

With recent cases like Billy Caldwell – the boy who had his medicinal cannabis oil confiscated on the family’s return from Canada – making headline news, the question of legalising medical marijuana is once again being debated across the UK.

Channel 4 Commissioning Editor Education, Emily Jones said: Channel 4 Commissioning Editor Education, Emily Jones said: “This is an emotional and very timely story that echoes the real-life dilemma faced by many families in the UK.


"We’re grateful to Steph and Dom for being brave enough to share their hugely personal experience.”

Executive Producer at Frieda.TV, Jon Lloyd added: “It’s a privilege to be given such total access to tell this unique family’s heart-breaking yet inspirational story.

"We’re seeing the real Steph and Dom – no holds barred, as they shine an overdue light on this critical issue."

The couple formerly owned The Salutation in Knightrider Street, Sandwich which they sold in 2017.

Steph and Dom Parker with Martha Trust residents

In their last summer there, they supported Hacklinge charity Martha Trust by raising £16,000 at a summer prom at the Quayside property. It followed previous events held by them in a campaign of support to help the trust pay for the care it gives to profoundly disabled young adults like Max.

Steph and Dom: Can Cannabis Save Our Son? will be broadcast on Monday at 9pm.

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