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Secret Drinker reviews the George & Dragon pub in Shipbourne Road, Tonbridge

By: Secret Drinker

Published: 05:00, 15 September 2023

Updated: 10:22, 15 September 2023

A huge claim I know, but this is not only the best pub in Kent, it’s also run by the best landlord in the county. And, I’m going to tell you why.

So, if you want to dispute the crown I’m placing on Martin’s head at the George & Dragon in Tonbridge you’ll need to explain why your contender for Kent’s #1 pub is more deserving.

Looking like a small town pub from outside, The George & Dragon in Tonbridge is something of a Tardis and the way it’s been renovated has opened up the pub completely.

First, I was in at 5.30pm on a Thursday and the place was fairly mobbed, so no-one should be in any doubt about the popularity of this place.

Next I was greeted warmly and pleasantly by exactly the sort of no-nonsense bloke I want to find behind any bar. The fact he didn’t stop working the entire time, but still found time to dish out, and take, jibes from visitors and regulars alike, simply endeared him to me more.

There was a good selection of ales available but on recommendation, I decided that when in Rome… and chose a pint of Tonbridge bitter for £4.20. Which was poured to perfection and was a very well-kept pint.

When in Rome… I chose a pint of 3.6% Tonbridge Traditional and a very large bag of my favourite crisps

There were a couple of likely fellows alongside me at the bar who were watching a small screen and were fascinated by the outcome of The Chase, correcting wrong answers as vigorously as possible wherever they could.


Apart from the one needed for my new friends’ enjoyment of the quiz show, it was good to see the other screens were all switched off and are presumably only fired up when a decent sports event makes it worthwhile.

And talking of sport, there are some iconic stars featured on photos behind the bar – Ali standing triumphantly over his defeated opponent, our Bobby with the World Cup and Botham sitting in his whites in the changing room pulling on a fat cigar.

Sport in the pub is provided by two pool tables and two dartboards and, for anyone who is interested, the pub runs enthusiastic teams in both disciplines.

The weather wasn’t great when I was in so the garden was quiet but it is well kept and must be great on a hot day
This iconic front cover of the London Herald is on the wall of the gents but it’s the sports photos in the bar which really steal the show

By now Martin had been joined by barmaid Laura who walked straight behind the bar and immediately began pulling pints. Maybe Martin’s work ethic has rubbed off or perhaps she just looks forward to starting work?

Her entrance was the main man’s opportunity to take a break and, walking through the open door to the garden, he invited me to join him for a chat. When we were sat outside, regular Geoff delivered his favourite landlord a pint of Guinness and, in the same breath, offered me a pint.

Maybe it’s just me, or perhaps it’s the price of beer these days, but it’s been a long time since a stranger offered me a pint and I was chuffed – so cheers Geoff, you’re a gent.

Constantly busying himself behind the bar, Martin’s work ethic might be the reason he’s dropped from 22 stone down to 17.
They weren’t in use yet, but the pub’s pool team was due to be in action later that evening
Whether you’re in for the whole evening, or just popping in for a pint and quick chat on the way home, this is the perfect pub for you

In the garden, there were two benches which Martin and his regulars had clubbed together to buy in tribute to two of their own and they’d been loving inscribed with the favourite saying of each. Fraser: ‘S*it pub, s*it landlord, s*it beer’ and Kev: ‘How’s it going’.

Alongside one bench was a table with vegetables, which anyone can take – donations are gratefully received, with half going to charity and half back to the guy who grows them to buy more seeds for the next crop.


The benches, the free veg stall and Martin’s approach, to both life and the pub, epitomise everything positive and upbeat about this place.

He’s been landlord almost a year now and since taking over in November 2022, when he weighed 22 stone, has, remarkably for someone new behind the bar, dropped five stone.

Owner Darren has had the place for 35 years and Martin is quick to pay him credit for the support he’s shown him. Like so many pubs, this place was done up during Covid and by the sound of it everyone dug in and did their bit. I’d been in once before, many years ago, and have to admit it is now a completely different place - more open, brighter and welcoming. It’s also something of a Tardis.

Regular Fraser was clearly joking, but it hasn’t stopped his mates from marking his passing with his favourite saying on a bench
Apparently Kev was famous for asking: “How’s it going”

I’d visited the facilities and when I mentioned how pleasing it was to visit an immaculate gents, which is obviously well maintained and smells fresh, Martin explained one of his real bugbears is a smelly pub toilet. So much so, he personally installed the new L-shaped urinal during the makeover.

Keen to deliver a pub which appeals to everyone, there is a special pool table for children, it welcomes families (including their four-legged friends) and it offers no-nonsense pub food, like burgers and pizzas.

Live music also features on a regular basis and there’s even a karaoke night coming up but Martin reckons this one’s purely the idea of his other half, as he’s definitely not a fan - just another example of a subject he and I can agree on.

The George & Dragon is open each day at 4pm, so whether you’re just popping in for a swift pint on the way home or planning a full night with mates this is the pub to head for. If you live locally and haven’t visited the George & Dragon for a while, then it’s time to do yourself a favour.

Most screens were switched off, but keen to be as welcoming as possible to as many people as possible the small screen by the bar was on so two regulars could catch up on The Chase.
I haven’t been bought a pint by a stranger for years, so cheers Geoff, I owe you one


Decor: Like its landlord, this is a no-nonsense pub, with decent, well-maintained furnishings. It is set up to work effectively for everyone, whether that’s families looking for a garden, groups wanting good pub grub or just a couple of blokes calling in for a pint. There’s an extra star for the sport photos. *****

Drink: There was a good choice of ales as well as all the usual staples. My pint of 3.6% Tonbridge Traditional is an excellent session ale with a decent maltiness. ****

Price: The Tonbridge Traditional was £4.20 a pint, and a Madri was £4.50. My crisps were £1.20 but it was a decent sized bag. ****

Staff: To steal from Carlsberg, probably the best landlord I’ve found to date. Constantly busy and just as welcoming to his visitors as he is to his regulars. And a special mention for Laura, who’s equally impressive behind the bar. *****

Keen to welcome everyone, Martin has installed this pool table out the back specifically for youngsters to use
Well-manufactured and perfectly maintained, this is one pub where the landlord is never going to tolerate whiffy toilets

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