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Gas holder flats development off Cramptons Road, Sevenoaks poses ‘risk to the local water supply’ says South East Water

By: Alan Smith

Published: 05:00, 20 October 2024

Fears over the possible contamination of water supplies is behind a town council’s renewed objection to plans for 136 new homes.

SGN Place, the development arm of gas supplier SGN, first submitted a planning application to redevelop the site of two former gas holders on land off Cramptons Road in Sevenoaks in April 2021.

The plans include a 10-storey rotunda tower and 10 townhouses. Picture: SGN Place

Since then, there have been several iterations of the scheme - the latest is to create 126 flats and 10 townhouses.

The planning decision will be made by Sevenoaks District Council, but Sevenoaks Town Council has remained steadfast in its objection to the development.

The town council’s planning committee met last week to consider the latest version of the plan, which proposes a 10-storey rotunda tower and 10 townhouses.


A spokesman for the town council said: “The latest consultation has sparked new concerns - in particular, as to the future integrity of the water supply.

“This follows comments from South East Water as to whether the piling works required to complete the proposed development would cause contamination of the local water resources via the Cramptons Road Water Treatment Works.”

A CGI of the development. Picture: SGN Place

“We have once again objected to the scheme.”

South East Water said the development would introduce “an unacceptable level of risk to the local water resources” which could not be recovered, if compromised.

A South East Water spokesperson said: “Our consultants ultimately haven’t reached the same conclusions (as the applicants).

“A sufficient level of uncertainty persists. We are no nearer to gaining the necessary level of assurance to allow us to accept the proposed redevelopment of the former Sevenoaks Gasholder site, in its current form.

“Given the significance of Cramptons Road Water Treatment Works to maintaining supply to thousands of our customers, we have no alternative but to continue our objection.”

The "distinctive" gas holders in Sevenoaks have now been demolished. Picture: Google

“The historic levels of contamination (on this site) will persist for an undefined period of time, and the piling works will introduce an unacceptable level of risk to the local water resources. “


SGN engaged its own water specialist company, Advisian, to assess the risk. They concluded: “The overall risk associated with the proposal is considered to be low.”

The town council is also objecting to the scheme on other grounds: its height and density being contrary to the Sevenoaks Town Neighbourhood Plan which caps the acceptable height at four storeys; that it was considered out of character to the surrounding buildings; and it would have a negative impact on the Green Belt and a Site of Specific Scientific Interest; and would provide insufficient parking.

Since the application was first put forward, 521 individual objections have been submitted.

The parking issue has been the key concern of many of the local residents who have opposed the scheme. The developers are proposing only 103 parking spaces for 136 homes, inevitably adding to the parking pressure already existing on local streets.

Possibly the ugliest proposal I have ever seen

There have also been objections that the supporting infrastructure in Sevenoaks - doctors, schools etc - was insufficient to cope, objections about flats overlooking other properties and loss of privacy, and about the design of the project.

Michael Tonkin of Bradbourne Vale Road described it as “possibly the ugliest proposal I have ever seen. This is an eyesore”.

In its application, SGN said: “The development has a positive impact on the townscape because the proposed rotunda reinstates the gasholder site as a landmark for northern Sevenoaks.”

The company acknowledged: “It is clear there is a significant number of local residents who have concerns about the proposed development, with the main overriding issues expressed being about how the development would exacerbate existing issues around traffic and parking.”

But added: “Many people recognise that new homes are needed in Sevenoaks, that this site is well suited for homes, and there are many who like the designs.”

There has been 521 individual objections to the development. Picture: Google

To find out about planning applications that could affect you, visit the Public Notice Portal.

Details of the gasholder application can be seen on the Sevenoaks District Council website under application number 21/01254.

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