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There is a growing expectation that Sevenoaks District Council may soon be in a position to determine an application to build 800 homes on a sand quarry.
The local authority has been considering the outline submission from Tarmac Trading since February.
As the plans have emerged and altered over time, so it has been necessary to reconsult with many of the concerned parties, but the last of those consultations is due back by December 8.
Tarmac is currently quarrying the land which lies to north of Greatness and Seal, but south of the Maidstone rail-line.
The site covers 94 hectares, and Tarmac says that's enough room to build 800 homes, plus 2,000sq m of business and retail space, and a further 150 "units" specifically for older people.
In addition, it says it will create a15-hectare lake as a waterpark feature that will be able to host water sport activities as well as providing habitat for wildlife. It will also build a two-form-entry primary school.
Both Sevenoaks Town Council and the Sevenoaks Society said they supported the principle of the redevelopment, but went on to say they still had concerns, principally over traffic issues.
Kemsing Parish Council has objected on the grounds of the pressure the estate would place on local infrastructure.
There have also been objections from a number of residents who point out that when Tarmac was granted a licence by KCC to quarry the site, it was on condition that all quarrying should cease by 2030 and that the land – which lies within the green belt – would then be returned to its natural state.
The application site includes a listed oast house and a barn, which the company says it would renovate for communtiy use.
Tarmac says the main access will be from Bat and Ball Road, with secondary accesses from Farm Road and Childsbridge Lane.
They say that its location, 800m from the Bat and Ball train station makes it a sustainable site.
If permission is granted, construction would proceed in stages, with the first being the building of 150 homes.
The water park and new school would only come in the last stage.
The application can be viewed on the council website here.
The application number is 22/00512.