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A grandmother-of-five has paid tribute to an NHS team for improving her quality of life.
A documentary about a famous Kent landmark has been chosen to feature in the fifth Swale Film Festival.
A football club has come up with a novel way of solving a kit shortage – offering a shirt amnesty.
A firefighting mother is hoping to encourage others to sign up and help save lives.
The finalists in this year’s Swale Business Awards have been chosen.
The new Isle of Sheppey Morrisons store opens its doors for the first time tomorrow.
Firefighters are expected to stay at the scene of a large barn fire for the rest of the weekend.
Music and massage went hand in hand at a family festival this weekend.
The chairman of the Island’s Royal British Legion (RBL) is hoping to increase its membership to 100 to tie in with the centenary of the First World Wa
There are big plans for the future of a community hall which has already undergone a drastic transformation.
Dozens of firefighters have spent the night trying to protect nearby properties from a blaze involving bales of straw.
The dad of a child who was hit by a car says he is lucky his son is alive.
Strawberries and cream and some old time classics were the order of the day for members of Age UK.
An Eastchurch girl has achieved a star-studded set of GCSE results – almost matching her sister’s top grades three years ago.
A pub landlady who asked people to come up with ideas for a tattoo on her bottom is pleased with the result...
Parts of Sheerness were left under water after a torrential downpour at the weekend.
An exhibition to celebrate the Island’s creative talent and unique heritage was well attended, despite torrential rain.
An engineer who is building a replica galleon, using recycled materials, hopes it will set sail next year.
Relatives have travelled from across the world to Kent for a mammoth get together... the family's first in more than 40 years!
An Islander celebrated her 101st birthday with staff and friends at Age UK Sheppey.
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