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Sheppey couple drop everything to buy a boat, sail the world and help those in need

By: Megan Carr

Published: 05:00, 05 July 2023

Updated: 13:39, 05 July 2023

A couple desperate to travel the world and help those in need have sold their home, left their jobs and bought a big boat.

Dental hygienist, Karolina Rafalko, and her partner of 18 years, Lee Ward, a maintenance engineer, are hoping to take their unique skill sets across the globe aboard their new vessel, Good Deeds.

Karolina, who is originally from Poland, moved to the UK 20 years ago before relocating to Sheppey in 2011.

Since moving to the Island the 40-year-old began working for Longford Dental Centre and looks after patients across Medway, Maidstone and Sheerness.

However, along with Lee, a 55-year-old who worked for the Sheppey-based David Wood engineering company, the pair have decided to retire early and are now preparing to leave everything they know behind for a new life on the seven seas.


Lee explained: “My father was always into boats. He always had one boat or another but he never had a sailing boat.

“We always wanted to go sailing so I sort of got the idea of buying our boat from him.”

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Karolina Rafalko and Lee Ward's boat, Good Deeds. Picture: Karolina Rafalko

The couple’s dream became a reality after Lee lost both of his parents, and Karolina her mum, in the short span of just 15 months.

Lee said: “We got the idea during the pandemic. The lockdown really affected my family.

“I lost both my parents during that time and it was then that we decided life's too short.

“It was then that we decided we wanted to do something worthwhile and help other people as we go.”

Karolina felt the same way having also been recently bereaved.

Karolina Rafalko and Lee Ward onboard Good Deeds. Picture: Megan Carr

She added: “Shortly before that I lost my mum as well. She was only 60 years old and when you think about it there are so many things that people put off for later when they retire but time goes so quickly.


“My mum, she hardly managed to retire before she died so that really brought it home to me that you have to do things while you can.

“That's what really speeded up our decision to make this change.”

The couple has been getting their boat seaworthy for the last few months at a drydock by Queenborough Harbour and hope to set sail with their adopted cat, PJ, this September.

The trio are currently living in a caravan in Leysdown following the sale of their house and many other of their belongings.

PJ was adopted by Karolina and Lee two and a half years ago. Picture: Karolina Rafalko

It is this money which is funding their new lifestyle and any work needed on Karolina and Lee’s new home.

However, they hope that once they start travelling across the Mediterranean Sea they can start making a living from their YouTube channel.

Karolina and Lee will also be setting up fundraising pages to help them deliver their dental hygiene and building services to those who need them.

“There are three aspects to the charity work we want to offer.

“One is dentistry. I would be able to offer my expertise on certain issues and offer certain aspects of care that I am trained to do.

Karolina Rafalko is a dental hygienist. Picture: Karolina Rafalko

“Then following a consultation I can work with more local dentists to help people get the oral care they need.

“Another is Lee offering his help to fix things such as machinery, generators, that sort of thing.

“And the final thing is being able to get out to other charity projects that are already underway elsewhere across the world;” Karolina said.

Lee said: “We could help with water pumps, fix storm-damaged buildings and we are happy to work with other people as well.

“People are already starting to contact us after hearing about our plans on social media so we are certain there will be things for us to do and people to help once we set off.

The old propeller from Karolina and Lee’s boat. Picture: Megan Carr

“Through the power of social media, we will also be able to help smaller communities fundraise through our own Facebook pages and channels.

“For instance, if somebody had a roof they needed fixing or a wall that needed repairing, then we could have quick fundraise online and then use that money to employ some local builders to help us.

“That way the person in need gets the end result they want and local businesses will also get the money.”

Moving onto a boat is a big change and despite their big ambitions, there are certain home comforts the pair are going to miss when moving away from the land.

Karolina said: “Not having a garden will be a really big deal for me.

Karolina Rafalko and Lee Ward inside their boat. Picture: Megan Carr

“We love to grow our own herbs and vegetables but on the boat, I will only be able to have one pot of basil or something like that.

“Foodwise I will really miss Polish mayonnaise and baked beans, there isn’t anything like it anywhere else around the world so I am going to have to stock up before we leave.”

Lee and Karolina will also be bringing their senior cat along with them for the adventure.

Adopted by the couple two and a half years ago, PJ is more than accustomed to a life full of travelling.

Karolina explained: “PJ has travelled with us by car to Poland and did extremely well.

PJ practising for his lifejacket fitting with his harness. Picture: Karolina Rafalko

“It is about a 15-hour drive and once we took him out of his crate he was more than happy just sleeping throughout the journey.

“When we moved from our house to the caravan he adapted to his new surroundings really quickly too so we’re not worried about him adapting to the boat either.

“He even has his own life jacket that we’re getting him used to.”

To follow Karolina, Lee and PJ’s story find their Facebook profile here, or visit their YouTube channel here. A donation page has slso been set up here.

You can also find the crew on Instagram under gooddeedssailing.

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