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Lord Adonis Q&A session

By: Gemma Constable

Published: 14:32, 22 April 2010

Updated: 15:01, 22 April 2010

Lord Adonis chats to Kevin O'Daly, left, and Geraldine Feltham

Transport minister Lord Andrew Adonis visited Swale for a spot of lunch and a question and answer session.

After tucking into a spread organised by the local Labour party group at the Labour Hall, in Park Road, Sittingbourne, Lord Adonis spoke to more than 20 people, including Labour’s parliamentary hopeful Angela Harrison, all keen to find out how Labour will address their concerns if they win the general election on May 6.

Concerns included poor access for the disabled at Sittingbourne railway station, free bus travel, the new Hi-speed train and questions over the party’s plans to privatise the Dartford crossing.

He also encouraged Liberal Democrats to join with Labour in a bid to keep the Conservatives out.


He said: “There’s a very strong community interest between the two parties. I used to be in the Social Democratic Party.

“I believe we agree on the key issues – investment in public services and a fair society, a fair system of taxation and political reforms and I still believe in that.

“We’re both internationalist parties who have a strong belief in working together with our European partners to get better benefits for Britain.

“We’ve improved the NHS dramatically. Waiting times have come down, the number of employees in the NHS has improved and patient satisfaction has gone up significantly.

“We spend £1 billion a year on concessionary fares for the over-60s. If the Conservatives got in there would be a big threat to the continuation of concessionary fares for over-60s.”

Question and answer session:

Q) What are your thoughts about the new hi-speed train service after commuters raised concerns over the length of journey times, a hike in prices and services being withdrawn?


A) It’s great we’ve got high speed rail the new trains will help develop regeneration across Kent but I am aware of the local concerns such as the length of people’s journeys and cuts in train services to Victoria.

"I think we should review the operation of the trains and the service.

"We need to learn from the experience and if Labour win and I’m made Transport Secretary I would be very happy to meet the local council leaders and the community to discuss how we can improve the service further."

Q) Will the new M2 junction 5A be created in a bid to help ease traffic congestion on the A249 and Stockbury roundabout?

A) Feasibility studies are being carried out on that issue and I’ll be happy to look at them when they are complete.

Q) Why should people vote Labour?

A) People should vote Labour for fair taxation and to create jobs for the future which comes from investment in Hi-tech industries which Labour is proposing.

Q) Do you think you have a good chance of staying in power?

A) I think this election is wide open and still have to make their minds up. There’s a lot of Lib Dem voters in this constituency, it’s a two horse race. I used to be a Lib Dem and there’s a lot of common ground. I would like to see Labour and the Lib Dems work closely together after May 6."

Q) How do you intend to create more jobs for people with such high unemployment levels, in the middle of a recession?

A) A large number of local jobs depend on the health service, education and local government which is why it would be mad to introduce big public spending cuts before the economy has recovered from the recession. Labour would not make cuts in public services this year because it’s vital we don’t deal with the deficit until the economy is strong enough to create jobs in the private sector.

"The Conservatives are proposing cuts while we’re still struggling to come out of a recession.

"We will invest in more high speed train services and renewable energy sources, to create more jobs for the future."

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