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Andrew Foster moves into new home in Minster after agreeing settlement with Highway Care Ltd

By: Ed McConnell

Published: 17:00, 19 December 2017

A welder blinded when an oil drum exploded in his face is getting ready to celebrate his first Christmas in a new home after agreeing a settlement with his former employer.

Andrew Foster and his family have moved into the bungalow in Minster, Sheppey, and been able to buy a guide dog with the money.

The 41-year-old suffered severe facial injuries when the drum he was cutting exploded at Highway Care Ltd’s premises near Maidstone in August 2012.

Andrew and Nevis

The drum’s lid struck the father-of-two in the face causing catastrophic injuries, including fractures to his eye sockets, jaw and cheekbones and a serious brain injury.

He was airlifted to King’s College Hospital and underwent emergency surgery to reconstruct his face. As a result of the injuries he lost sight in both eyes.


Specialist workplace injury lawyers at Irwin Mitchell took on the case and has now secured an undisclosed settlement from Highway Care. The money has helped fund the family's move.

Guide Dogs For The Blind has also given Andrew a golden retriever guide dog called Nevis.

The explosion left Andrew with catastrophic facial injuries
Andrew Foster lost one of his eyes and lost the sight in the other

Sarah Griggs, of Irwin Mitchell, said: “The injuries Andrew suffered because of failings by his employer were truly terrible.

“The day Andrew was injured changed his life forever and he has faced a long journey to get to this stage in his rehabilitation.

“We are so pleased that Andrew, his family and Nevis are enjoying their new bungalow and are settling in well. Their move into their new home is a major milestone in Andrew’s recovery.

“Nothing can turn the clock back but we are determined to keep supporting Andrew to ensure his family have the security they need and Andrew receives the much-needed care he also needs to continue his recovery.”

Andrew said Nevis has given him back some of his independence

His injuries significantly changed Mr Foster's appearance and he permanently wears sunglasses as a result.

Following a Health and Safety Executive investigation Highway Care Ltd was last year fined £660,000 after pleading guilty at Maidstone Crown Court to failing to ensure the health, safety and welfare of its employees and failing to provide information, instruction, training and supervision in relation to use of a plasma cutter.

Andrew Foster was blinded in the explosion

Mr Foster said: “The last five years have been a real struggle as I attempted to come to terms with my injuries and the how my life has been changed forever.


“I was initially very reluctant to have a guide dog as I was attacked by a dog when I was young and have not trusted dogs since.

“However, myself and Nevis have built a real bond. He is my new best friend and has helped me regain some of the independence I have craved since I lost my eyesight.

“His arrival has certainly lifted spirits in the house as we know the benefit he will have to my quality of life. Before I was stuck at home a lot but I can now do things that I was unable to do on my own previously such as going for a walk. I have also joined a shooting club for the visually impaired which is going great. I have met new friends and am preparing to take part in competition which I’m really looking forward to.

“Acknowledging that I will need support for the rest of my life was hard to accept but moving into our new bungalow and Nevis becoming one of the family has provided a major boost to everyone. We’re determined to make the most of this Christmas and have a real family celebration.

“I’m now focused on concentrating on the future and regaining more of my independence rather than dwelling on the past.”

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