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Chalet owners in Minster will not be allowed to stay at their properties all year round.
Occupants at Parklands Village, off The Broadway, asked Swale council’s planning committee to lift a condition that states they cannot stay on site during January and February.
The applicants’ agent, John Burke, called the decision “stupid and illogical”.
He said many of the people knew of the 10-month occupancy rule, set in 1988, when they bought the dwellings, but they could not foresee the economic downturn of recent years.
He claims this has resulted in the chalets becoming their main residence.
He said: “The 76 families and 140 residents of Parklands are now long established members of the settled community in Minster.
"They vote and have paid council tax for most of the last 20 years.
“They merely ask to be granted residential park home status, which members have the power to grant as they have on three other parks in Swale, rather than become nomads for two months.”
The Environment Agency objected to the proposal, saying the single storey buildings are in a flood risk area and permanent occupation would place additional people in “unnecessary” danger.
Council officers said the loss of holiday accommodation by granting the application would have a “significant and damaging impact” on Sheppey’s tourist economy and recommended it be refused.
At the planning meeting, Cllr Ken Pugh (Con) said flood defences had been improved and claimed the site was originally built as residential, but became a holiday camp “surreptitiously”.
He added: “Most of the residents moved from Sheerness to have some peace and quiet. They didn’t make any profit, as has been suggested to me before.
“Now they just want to be left as they are and not have to decant every two months to alternative accommodation.”
Cllr Alan Willicombe (Con) said: “I do sympathise but they knew what they were getting into when they went there and if you go against the officer’s recommendation you will set a precedent for every other site.
“I’m going to go with the officer’s recommendation but I do have sympathy.”
Cllr Colin Prescott (Con) asked for a site meting but the idea was rejected when put to the vote and the application was later refused.