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A plan to turn a town pub into homes has been refused because of concerns over flood risk.
Landlord of the Blacksmiths Arms in Clyde Street, Sheerness, Mark Hughes had applied to Swale council to convert the building into two terraced houses and a self-contained ground-floor flat.
It is in a high-risk flood zone and after receiving Environment Agency (EA) advice, planning officers recommended councillors turn it down.
The worries focus on the ground-floor part of the proposal as it would combine living and sleeping space on the lower level and there are concerns about where occupants would go if there was a flood.
The EA commented the risk to life and property would be unacceptable and Cllr Andy Booth said it was a moral issue and given the clear advice they have been presented with they should turn it down.
However, speaking on behalf of Mr Hughes at the planning meeting, Maurice Smith disagreed and said the sea wall had been strengthened since 1951.
“It’s not like there’s going to be a 5m tsunami coming down the road,” he said.
“Sheerness is crying out for one-bedroom accommodation and we are not changing the street scene.”
Ward member Cllr Mark Ellen agreed and said although it was a shame to see the demise of another pub, there is not enough housing and it would help.
But the majority of the committee accepted the EA’s advice and refused the application.