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Swale council’s top staff receive almost £1million in wages.
Figures on Swale’s 14 top earners have been released after a Freedom of Information Act request by the Sheerness Times Guardian, which asked for a list of council employees who are paid in excess of £50,000.
Taking home the biggest pay packet is chief executive Abdool Kara, who earns £130,000. The top 14 earners collectively earn £995,312.54.
The next in line after Mr Kara is the man tasked with revitalising in the borough. The director of regeneration, a position currently filled by interim director Pete Raine, will receive a salary of £96,744.55.
The council’s director of corporate services earns £87,525, and the head of finance earns £71,725.50.
The head of economic development and cultural services, the head of IT and customer services, the head of environmental services and the head of development services each earn £65,205.
A total of £62,147.19 is paid to the chief executive of the Thames Gateway Kent Partnership, while the council’s head of policy and head of housing services each earn £59,487.
Both the chief community officer and the head of audit have salaries of £57,204. The council’s chief accountant is the lowest paid of those earning more than £50,000, at £52,968.30.