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Children have been sent home from school after their class teacher was told to self-isolate.
Pupils at St George's Church of England Primary School in Minster on the Isle of Sheppey are the latest to have their education disrupted by Covid-19.
The teacher of Apple Class in Year 2, Mrs Bolding, has been told to self-isolate by the NHS and Department for Education, although she is not showing any symptoms of coronavirus.
Nevertheless she will be unable to continue teaching until November 16.
With the school already stretched by other staff absences it is unable to find a teacher to cover her class.
Consequently Apple Class has been told to stay at home until Monday, November 16.
Head teacher Howard Fisher told parents at present there was no need for them to seek a Covid test for their child - unless the child started showing symptoms.
Classwork will be set online and the school says Mrs Bolding will available via the school's parent messaging service to answer questions.
In a letter home yesterday, Mr Fisher said: "Mrs Bolding will be making daily contact and setting work she will then be available throughout the day to answer any questions.
"Please ensure your child is ready to learn each day. If you are struggling with IT equipment, please ask Mrs Bolding as we have a small amount we can loan out.
"Mrs Bolding is currently not symptomatic so unless your child is showing symptoms themselves you do not need to arrange a test.
"If Mrs Bolding starts to display symptoms or her diagnosis changes I will write to you again.
"If you require a Free School Meal please let the office know and they can arrange a packed lunch for pick up."
Mr Fisher added concerned parents seeking help to arrange a test can phone 0800 046 8687.