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An elderly woman attacked and robbed by a fake window cleaner in her home of 44 years has described him as a "scoundrel".
The landlord of a town pub says his business will be at risk if he loses his entertainment licence.
Major David Ramsay, 59, of Milton Salvation Army, passed away at his home in Hobart Gardens, Sittingbourne on Friday.
Environment Agency officials are continuing to analyse water supplies near a recycling plant devastated by a huge blaze more than three weeks ago.
Sittingbourne Football Club will be playing in Ryman League, Division 1 South next season.
A man is facing life behind bars after today being convicted of murdering his partner's son - as it emerged he was already a convicted killer.
Changes are to be made at Swallows leisure centre to help make it user-friendly for disabled people.
Volunteers are needed to help with an ambitious plan to record people’s memories of the town.
Concerns have been raised about the safety of children when a school’s parking arrangement comes to an end.
Kent Kings are celebrating their first-ever National League victory after beating Buxton Hitmen 55-38 at Central Park on Monday night.
A jury was today due to consider its verdict after a man suffered fatal stab wounds on New Year's Day.
A town pub's entertainment licence is set to be reviewed following complaints about noise levels.
Police are appealing for witnesses after a Polish man who was hit by a car in Sittingbourne died from injuries.
Detectives are hunting this man after a man pretending to be a window cleaner burst into her home before attacking her and grabbing her purse.
Borden Grammar School has said a sad farewell to head teacher Harold Vafeas. He has retired early due to ill health.
Martin Howard says his life has changed completely after shedding the pounds.
Laurence Marshall's campaign to get a path installed along a busy lane is a step closer to becoming a reality.
Firefighters are warning parents to be vigilant after they were called to to five cases of children trapped inside locked cars.
Labour councillors are pushing for free parking to be introduced in Swale's three town centres on Saturdays.
A man who denies murdering his partner's son has told jurors he didn't even realise he had been stabbed when trouble erupted early on New Year's Day.
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