Swale's twin bin success
Published: 13:09, 10 November 2009
Updated: 13:20, 10 November 2009
Swale area is one of England’s top ten performers when it comes to recycling rubbish, according to latest official figures.
For the second year in succession, residents in the council’s area have cut back their waste by nine per cent on the year before.
According to government department DEFRA, this puts Swale into England’s top ten.
A DEFRA spokesman said: “The amount of rubbish recycled in the Swale Council region in the last year has increased to 34 per cent while waste sent to landfill decreased by 36kg per head, putting it in the largest percentage decrease by household waste in England.”
Swale’s cleansing services manager Alan Turner said: “We introduced the twin bin scheme in July 2007 and we are extremely pleased with the impact the service has made on our waste minimisation strategy.
“However, none of this would be possible without the support of Swale residents who have complied with what we believe to be a very user-friendly system.
"Furthermore, residents often offer suggestions, through our popular officer surgeries, on the way forward.
"These suggestions are always welcomed by the staff who run this continuously improving service.”
Swale’s Executive Portfolio Holder for the Environment, Cllr Cindy Davis, said: “I too would like to give credit to our residents, and the officers at Swale, along with our contractors Verdant.
"It is an achievement to have come so far in just two years, and although there is more to do, it is a great team effort by all, helping us to become a cleaner and greener Swale.”
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Gemma Constable