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The Wealdstone Raider sends message to Sittingbourne’s Kieran Payne after cancer diagnosis

By: Joe Harbert

Published: 09:01, 13 September 2023

Updated: 10:18, 13 September 2023

A kit man who has been diagnosed with a brain tumour received a message from internet sensation the Wealdstone Raider.

Kieran Payne, 25, who is also a steward for Sittingbourne Football, was given the devastating diagnosis last month.

He has already had two operations while staying at King’s College Hospital in London and on Saturday he underwent a third.

In a bid to cheer Kieran up while he recovers, a member of the club got in touch with internet sensation the Wealdstone Raider and asked him to send a very special message.

The 57-year-old shot to fame when a video of him saying "You want some – I'll give it ya" and "you've got no fans” was posted online at a football match in 2013.


He said: “I have a message for Kieran Payne of Sittingbourne Football Club.

“I understand you are not very well at the moment, but just to let you know that the whole of Sittingbourne FC, from staff, volunteers and fans are behind you.

Sittingbourne kitman, Kieran Payne, in hospital after being diagnosed with a brain tumour. Picture: X/@MRKPayne

“They cannot wait for you to get back doing what you love at the club.

“Some people have got no fans, but you my friend have loads of fans and they are all called the Brickies’ Army.

“When you are ready let me know and if you want some, I’ll give it to you!"

The Wealdstone Raider, whose real name is Gordon Hill, shot to stardom back in March 2013 after the post was shared at a semi-professional football match when his local side Wealdstone faced Whitehawk.

The original clip amassed more than 22 million views and he become a huge hit across social media.

The Wealdstone Raider has amassed more than 22 million views after a clip of him went viral more than ten years ago

His fame also led to him topping the UK Indie Chart in 2014 when he recorded a charity single called ‘Got No Fans.’


The former builder now spends his time doing various events like meet and greets, as well as some marketing projects such as revealing Wealdstone’s new away kit last year.

Sittingbourne’s vice chairman, Andrew Marjeram, says the video was a great success.

He explained: “We wanted to do something fun for Kieran.

“Ben Clemons, who is one of our directors and does great things for the club, came up with the idea and we thought it was great. It went down really well.

Kieran has already had three operations while staying in London. Picture: X/@MRKPayne

“Ben contacted the Wealdstone Raider's team on Facebook and within 48 hours he made the video. They replied to him within 15 minutes.

“We don’t know what the next step is for Kieran, and I know his family don’t want to put too much pressure on him even though he’s itching to get back.

“We’re hoping his third operation could be the final one - we just know he needs plenty of rest.”

A fundraiser was also set up to support Kieran and has raised more than £400.

Speaking after news of his diagnosis was shared, Brickies boss Ryan Maxwell said: “He’s such a lovely young man.

“The world needs more people like Kieran, I can tell you that. He’s a very nice, humble young fella and to hear what’s going on is absolutely devastating.

“We are fully behind him 100% - everybody at the club wishes him well. He’s a big part of what we do here.

“He’s not just the kitman, but a steward, a friend, a fan.”

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