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A teenager is prepared for anything - after creating an app filled with Scout campfire songs.
Lawrence Marshall, 18, hopes internet users will Ging Gang Google to help him reach 1,000 downloads.
Although unlikely to rival Angry Birds or Candy Crush, Lawrence says his product,
simply called Scout Campfire Songs, does have a unique selling point.
He said: “I saw there wasn’t a UK-based internet app like ours, only an American one, which is full of patriotic songs.
“I didn’t really want that, I wanted something where you can hear how a campfire song was meant to be sung, rather than a long list of lyrics.”
There are 26 songs on the app, all sung by Borden Grammar school pupil Lawrence and his pal, Philip Harlow.
The tracklist includes a welter of Scout classics including Alice the Camel, Heads Shoulders Knees and Toes, and the evergreen adventurer’s anthem, Ging Gang Gooly.
Lawrence, of Snowdrop Walk, has been Scouting for 10 years and is assistant leader at 4th Milton Regis Scouts. If downloads reach his four-figure target, he aims to roll out the app to iPhone as it’s currently only available on Android and Kindle devices.
He said any profits from the enterprise, which cost him £50 to set up, will go towards Scouts in Sittingbourne. He has had more than 100 downloads so far from places as far off as Australia and Tasmania.
Lawrence said: “Scout groups around the world have their own versions of campfire songs. So this app is not only a chance for people to listen to our songs, they can submit their own to share with us and others.”
To download via Kindle, visit
What's your favourite campfire song? Tell us below.