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Hundreds of people joined a protest march this morning against plans for housing on the edge of Sittingbourne.
Members of Borden Residents Against Development, or Brad, are leading a campaign against proposals for 600-plus new homes.
Armed with "Save our village" banners, they met at the Maypole Inn and walked to the headquarters of Swale council in East Street, where they handed over a petition.
VIDEO: Protesters take to the streets against plans in Borden
They say the plans, being promoted by Quinn Estates, would impact on the whole of Sittingbourne, create traffic gridlock, put increased pressure on services such as healthcare and meaning the loss of top-quality farmland.
More than 300 protesters, accompanied by a police escort, walked along Borden Lane and into Sittingbourne town centre.
Brad chairman Cllr Mike Baldock (Ukip, Borden and Grove Park) said: "We are here today to show Swale council that its local plan is failing.
"There's too much housing in this part of Swale, too much housing on rural land and there will be gridlock if this ridiculous application in Borden goes through.
"I'm really pleased with the turnout today. We're a small village and the turnout today just shows how fed up people are."
The petition was handed to council leader Cllr Andrew Bowles by Gaynor Aspin, a member of the group, in front of protesters.
The march comes before the resumption next week of a series of hearings into the council's Local Plan, its blueprint of what can be built where up to 2031.
Land off Cryalls Lane and Wises Lane has been put forward for housing by the council to meet house-building targets of 776 a year.