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Windows were smashed, shops damaged and object hurled at passing cars and people in one street.
A record-breaking number of visitors have flocked to a seaside amusement park in time for the bank holiday sun.
A judge has vented his frustration after magistrates granted bail to a dangerous convicted man.
Developers hoping to build 49 homes on disused agricultural land in a village have revealed their designs for a new housing estate.
Fire safety risks identified at a council tower block have been flagged following an assessment as needing safety enhancements.
Group charged with causing a hospital power cut for hours will appear for the first time together in court later this month.
Temporary toilets are set to replace closed public conveniences on a seafront ahead of the busy summer season, the council has announced.
A professional photographer who spent 18-months taking shots in Kent has placed third in a worldwide competition.
Police arrested a man after reports of someone 'swinging' an axe while walking through a town centre.
Travellers evicted by police and council enforcement teams after setting up another illegal camp - with one group moving to a new site yards away.
A police helicopter joined the search for a man after concerns were raised for his welfare.
A group of four men accused of deliberately damaging cables causing a power cut at a Kent hospital for more than four hours are in court today.
A 75-year-old feared he would drown after accidentally reversing off a jetty into ice-cold water.
"Mindless" vandals have sprayed-painted golden swastikas on the doors of a church.
A photographer who has spent years taking pictures in Kent has snapped up a place on the shortlist for a worldwide award.
Critics say a council continuing industrial activities at a Kent port is "commercial stupidity" and are calling for the end ahead of a public meeting.
A new commuter railway station is a step closer after business leaders agreed a funding package for the project.
A father who heartbreakingly lost his son at just seven days old is to run a marathon after raising more than £10,000 for charity with his wife.
An animal rights campaigner clung to the windscreen wipers of a lorry carrying live exports, a court has heard.
A man arrested by police after allegedly making threats with a knife at flats has been released.