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A mum who supported her pop star daughter’s X-Factor dream has died after a 12-month battle with lung cancer.
A young woman was sexually assaulted by a man who pulled her backwards by her hair when she screamed, during an attack near a university campus.
Ukip has expelled a Thanet councillor for comments made in a TV programme.
Margate's lead at the top of the Ryman Premier is now just two points after they suffered their first home defeat of the season on Saturday.
A landlord previously fined £15,000 for failing to comply with selective licencing has received a further £20,000 penalty.
A dog is back with his foster carers after a seven-hour rescue operation to free him from a hole in a cliff face.
Police are hunting a robber wearing a balaclava who threatened shop staff with a suspected firearm wrapped in a bag and swiped cash from the till.
A council leader has brushed aside calls for her to quit after she revealed she made small donations to Manston Airport supporters group.
A member of a gang jailed after a £5 million cocaine haul was at the centre of a fundraising campaign last year, it has emerged.
Protesters and politicians stormed out of a council meeting on the fate of Manston branding it a sham.
A cafe owner has told of her shock after two large bags of unwrapped presents worth £600 were stolen from her car.
Emergency crews were called to a two-storey home after smoke was seen coming from the windows.
RSPCA appeal for a home for Ethel after she was found squashed into a guinea pig cage and abandoned in an alleyway.
Hundreds of houses are set to be built in Westwood, Birchington, Westgate and Manston Green under council plans.
A drug-dealing gang that included five men from Kent has been jailed for a total of 88 years.
A mum has spotted a mysterious artwork on a wall in a coastal Kent town - which she thinks could be the work of elusive artist, Banksy.
Emergency crews including police and the air ambulance were called out this morning, but a man died in "non-suspicious" circumstances.
Margate’s lead at the top of the Ryman League was cut to just three points on Saturday after a last-gasp equaliser.
A teenage boy was rushed to a London hospital in a serious condition after he was hit by a car while riding his bike.
Staff and pupils at a Thanet school are celebrating after it was the only junior school in Kent to be named outstanding by Ofsted inspectors.