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Manston Airport's future being considered at highest levels of government says minister

By: James Rose

Published: 12:00, 15 February 2015

Transport minister John Hayes (Con) visited Manston Airport on Thursday and claimed that “an announcement will be made soon”.

He said: “The prime minister realises the passion of local people about Manston and wanted me to come down as an affirmation that we will leave no stone unturned.

“I have a long-standing association with Thanet, I’ve been visiting the area since I was a boy and have family in Broadstairs so I feel passionately about this issue as well as representing the prime minister.

Tory transport minister John Hayes (Con) on a trip to Manston Airport

“I don’t want people to think this is being drawn out as an endless process and we will make sure local people’s interests are defended with utmost professionalism.

“An announcement will be coming soon about Manston, there is no definitive timescale but we will not let the grass grow under our feet.


“Manston has been here almost since flight began - we must give clear consideration to the role of the airport because local airports are central to local economies.”

The DfT is inspecting information submitted by Thanet District Council and RiverOak.

North Thanet MP Sir Roger Gale (Con) remained fully in support of the American company’s intentions to cover the full cost of a compulsory purchase order (CPO).

Transport minister John Hayes during a visit to Manston Airport

He said: “Stephen DeNardo, chief executive officer of RiverOak, will put a substantial sum of money to pay for all costs of the CPO, including legal costs, so it will not be a problem for the taxpayer.

“RiverOak will also cover any retrospective legal costs.

“Thanet District Council has already spent £26,000 so it’s understandable they have concerns about their money.

“But the thing that really convinces me of RiverOak’s suitability is that the owner, who I believe to be Ann Gloag, has massive resources and if this was not financially sound why would it not be exposed by her people?


“RiverOak have stuck with us for almost a year and they are very determined to buy and run it as an airport, and I believe that.

Manston airport's terminal stands empty

“This is also designated as an airport in the local plan and any change would mean that a new local plan would have to be finalised with an inquiry and signed off by the secretary of state.

“Nothing else can be done with it until then so the point of developments being delayed and stopping employment is simply untrue.”

Conservative prospective parliamentary candidate Craig Mackinlay was also at the site to discuss the airport’s future.

He said: “It’s great to have John down and hearing that this has gone to the highest level.

“Everybody has listened and is trying to make this work.

“Manston is totemic for regeneration and a freight hub with additional use would create jobs - the proposal for this airport has legs and deserves to fly.

“I’ve always said the total madness of losing Manston - this is far from the end and the people of Thanet are not to lose hope.”

Concerns were raised at the site earlier in the week when council leader Iris Johnston heard rumours that the primary radar may be removed.

Sir Roger added: “There is a rumour they are trying to sell the radar, it would be tiresome if they did, but it would not be a deal breaker for the people who want to buy the airport.”

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