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Westgate bodybuilder Warren Harlow threatens to kill lover Natasha Ellis for internet lingerie pictures

By: Danny Boyle

Published: 00:01, 02 April 2013

Lingerie file picture

A bodybuilder started a blazing row after discovering his lover was modelling for an adult lingerie internet site.

The heated argument turned Warren Harlow, who is 6ft 8in, into a towering inferno in which he threatened to kill the mother of his child.

Harlow - high on a cocktail of cocaine and alcohol - grabbed terrified Natasha Ellis by the throat and threatened to stab her.

She eventually fled shoeless and in a bra to a neighbour begging for protection – and Warren later tried to claim the throat marks were the result of kinky sex.


The 31-year-old, of The Grove, Westgate-on-Sea, had been released early from a prison sentence for having an imitation firearm and has now been recalled to prison.

Prosecutor Alex Rooke told Canterbury Crown Court Harlow began a relationship with Ms Ellis - "a lady in her late 30s" - in 2009.

He said: "The couple have a young child although they don't live together. They have described their relationship as being stormy in the past.

"Ms Ellis, it appears has her issues with alcohol, and says Harlow has issues with alcohol and cocaine."

"the cause of the argument is based on ms ellis modelling underwear for an adult website - something harlow did not approve of..." – alex rooke, prosecuting

On December 13 last year, Harlow called her and arrived at her home at 8am "and even at that early hour" they both started drinking, the prosecutor added.

"Harlow told her he was under the influence of cocaine and may well have been up all night. They drank through the morning, although she claims he wasn't overly intoxicated as they were both regular drinkers.

"The cause of the argument is based on Ms Ellis modelling underwear for an adult website - something Harlow did not approve of," he added.


And Harlow lost his temper when he saw photographs of her posted on Facebook.

Mr Rooke added: "It was now about 2pm and he began calling her a slut and then he grabbed her throat with his left hand and started to choke her. He was still shouting abuse, calling her a whore and a slag.

"She said his grip was tight and he is a large man, about 6ft 8in tall and a large build. With his right hand, he grabbed a knife from the worktop which he held to her throat shouting that he was going to kill her.

"She now feared for her life, thinking she was shortly about to be stabbed to the throat. He kept repeating: 'I'm going to kill you'. She later said she had never been so scared in her life before," the prosecutor added.

Canterbury Crown Court

Bodybuilder Warren Harlow was sentenced at Canterbury Crown Court

Ms Ellis managed to break free and ran to a neighbour who managed to calm Harlow down, "rather peculiarly" by offering him a shave with a cut-throat razor.

Police then arrested Harlow who denied the attack attributing the sex marks on her neck to "violent roll play in the course of consensual sex".

Andrew Espley, defending, said the injuries suffered by Ms Ellis "were very, very minor", adding: "That doesn't make it any less serious given the nature of the offences."

Warren, who admitted making threats to kill and assault by beating, was given a nine-month jail sentence. He is now taking courses inside jail to become a fitness instructor.

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