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A bid to build a 70-bed care home has been given the green light despite residents fearing their homes will be overlooked and “nightmare” traffic.
Plans were submitted to build the residential home in Westgate-on-Sea three times before Avante Care and Support took over the project.
The developer says the design on Canterbury Road will “respond to the fundamental requirements of a modern care home" and feature a "simple form plan" allowing elderly users to navigate the building.
But neighbours criticised the plans due to concerns the new building will overshadow their homes and negatively affect wildlife.
Derek Seaward, whose home is directly adjacent to the site, said: “The building will not only overshadow my property but as per the plan, all windows will be on a level to look into my property.
“All persons will be able to look into my garden and windows at all times, giving me no privacy or security at any time.
“With all the paths and seating within 10 feet of my property, the constant chatter and ogling will be so intrusive.
“Once there are 70 rooms filled with patients and with Linksfield Road being a no-through road with residents parking, then the Canterbury Road is going to become a nightmare with over-parked cars on both sides of the road and a danger to children.”
Another point of contention on the plans was its impact on wildlife, with both reptiles and bats being observed on the site.
In mitigation, a reptile relocation project took place, in which almost 200 slow worms were captured and then released on Linksfield town green.
Avante Care and Support has also committed to installing bat boxes and hedgehog highways in the grounds of the new care home.
Darren Baker, who examined the ecological impact of the development, raised concerns that it could cause wildlife to suffer.
“During previous site surveys and proposed usage for this land, there has been significant amounts of impact to the habitats for bird life and wildlife with the removal/reduction of several trees upon this land.
“I question whether the gung-ho approach to just level the site and plant saplings that could probably provide respite for an insect or three falls some way short of the impact these plans have on the wildlife within the site and the pleasure they bring to the neighbouring houses.” said Mr Baker.
Avante Care and Support is a registered charity which already operates seven care homes in Kent, most recently acquiring Chaucer House in Canterbury in 2020.
It provides dementia support, care for those living with mental health conditions and palliative care.
The care chain took on the Westgate-on-Sea project following the previous three planning applications.
A 64-bed scheme was initially rejected in 2016 before amendments saw it win the approval of council planning bosses in May 2017.
A revised plan to upgrade the site was put forward two years later, and plans for 75-bed care home over three storeys was approved in April 2020.
Avante did not respond to a request for comment.