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Ramsgate bully Aaron Simpson tore a clump of hair from ex-partner’s head in row over possible exposure to Covid-19

A bully tore a clump of hair from his ex-partner’s head after they argued over being exposed to Covid by a friend.

Aaron Simpson from Thanet saw red and exploded with rage after he discovered his household may have been exposed to the virus as he was lying in bed with her.

Aaron Simpson, from Ramsgate, leaving Folkestone Magistrates' Court
Aaron Simpson, from Ramsgate, leaving Folkestone Magistrates' Court

After hearing she did not feel that well, he started shouting and swearing and acting aggressively towards her.

He pushed her in the chest so she fell back in her bedroom and as she was bent over, he grabbed her hair and pulled a clump from her head calling her vile names, like s*** and w****.

The court heard the 56-year-old attacked the woman in the morning of January 2 at the home they used to share in Ramsgate.

Simpson, who has been staying with his sister in Queens Avenue, Ramsgate since the incident, admitted assault when he appeared at Folkestone Magistrates’ Court on Tuesday, June 4.

Julie Farbrace, prosecuting, told the court the couple had been in a relationship for three years.

She said: “He lived with her but they were not married and broke up before Christmas but as he had nowhere else to go, he stayed over Christmas and they were lying in bed together. “

Aaron Simpson flew into a rage when he realised he could have been exposed to Covid. Stock picture
Aaron Simpson flew into a rage when he realised he could have been exposed to Covid. Stock picture

District Judge Paul Booty heard Simpson’s former partner was in good spirits that morning, but was not feeling very well and it was mentioned they could have been exposed to Covid by a friend.

Ms Farbrace added: “He sat up and started shouting saying ‘what you’ve seen that c*** and she’s got covid’ and called her a f****** c*** and was nasty and aggressive.

“He then started saying he couldn’t believe she’d ‘seen that c***’ and shouted that no one listened to him.”

Judge Booty heard after that incident, Simpson got in the shower, but when he came out he still had the hump with his ex.

The prosecutor added: “He started calling her a s*** and a w**** and did this face-to-face with her, right against her and he was gritting his teeth.”

“She asked him to leave and he shoved her with both hands on her chest and then grabbed her by the hair.

Aaron Simpson will be sentenced at Margate Magistrates' Court in July
Aaron Simpson will be sentenced at Margate Magistrates' Court in July

“She continued to tell him to get out and he took her hair from the roots and grabbed a fist full and said, ‘I f****** hate you, you s***’ and he pulled a clump of her hair out with his hand as she was bent over.”

The woman managed to get to another bedroom and locked the door and a 999 call was made as she could still hear Simpson shouting and swearing.

Simpson then left the property and the police arrived at her home five minutes later. Simpson was later located, arrested and then charged.

Ms Farbrace also told the court it was not the first time he had been nasty to the woman in the three years they had been together.

A victim impact statement written by the woman said he had messed with her head all the time and had to “walk on eggshells” around him.

She added that since they had lived together there had been four similar incidents to the one she suffered in January.

Aaron Simpson appeared at Folkestone Magistrates' Court. Stock picture
Aaron Simpson appeared at Folkestone Magistrates' Court. Stock picture

The woman’s statement ended: “I need help to keep him away from me.”

Ms Farbrace added: “It’s an assault in a domestic setting, he has previous convictions but has had nothing for the best part of four years. In 2009, there was an assault against another person.”

She also told the judge Simpson was lucky he had not been charged with actual bodily harm seeing as the woman had lost some of her hair.

Judge Booty decided to adjourn sentencing for a pre-sentencing report to be carried out on Simpson before he hears his fate.

He will be sentenced at Margate Magistrates’ Court on July 19 and was granted bail until then.

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