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Pub Landlord Al Murray pulled up in a fire engine at Thanet council's offices today as his election campaign continues.
The FUKP leader handed in his nomination paperwork at 11am and announced that canvassing begins tomorrow. He said he is "in it to win it".
He told the Thanet Extra: "I am here in a fire engine today because there is a national political emergency going on and you (South Thanet) called for the fire brigade."
The comedian poured a pint from a dispenser at the side of the Free United Kingdom Party fire engine before and after handing in his papers. There was a charge of £3.
He said: "This is the future of mobile booze disposal. We can't change the prices yet but if you want the 'penny a pint' policy, you vote FUKP!
"This is the most important general election since the last one and with all the front runners so close together in the polls, my 1% chance could be critical in deciding the constituency."
It is unknown where in South Thanet the Pub Landlord will canvass, or whether he will at all.
He said: "We begin tomorrow and we will go wherever the wind takes me."