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A damning report into a care home for vulnerable people warns residents are at risk of catching Covid and are not safe.
Inspectors from the Care Quality Commission (CQC) say there is a lack of leadership at Roxburgh House in Westgate-on-Sea and have rated it inadequate, the lowest possible grading.
The home in Roxburgh Road, which was previously rated as requires improvement, looks after 14 people with a variety of needs, including physical and learning disabilities, dementia and long-term mental health conditions.
During a visit carried out to see if improvements had been made, inspectors found there were not enough staff to keep residents safe and some were "tired" due to working up to 60 hours a week.
Three night workers covered 14 shifts per week and staff had not been allowed to take leave during the pandemic.
Only two members were deployed on each shift, despite some residents needing two workers to help them with their care.
"When staff were supporting one person, no staff were available to support the other 13 people," the inspectors said.
"Sinks, baths and toilets were still stained with limescale and products had not been purchased to remove it..."
"Staff told us they either left the person they were helping or other people had to wait.
"People and their relatives commented that staff were 'hard pushed' and appeared 'stressed out' at times.
"One staff member told us people were 'missing out on things', as staff had no time to spend with them.
"Another member told us, 'I'm not a carer, I don't have the time to care'."
Another concern flagged up during the visit was the risk of the spread of infection, including Covid-19.
Inspectors found the vacancy for a cleaner had not been filled and the post not covered.
They said: "Sinks, baths and toilets were still stained with limescale and products had not been purchased to remove it.
"Limescale gives germs a place to multiply.
"A rusty shower chair had not been replaced and continued to be in daily use. This made it impossible to keep these areas clean and hygienic.
"Cleaning schedules had been implemented and showed cleaning of high traffic areas was not completed daily."
Inspectors said despite a Covid-19 policy being put in place, they did not include adequate measures to prevent the spread.
Other concerning issues raised were the quality of care and inconsistent management of medicines.
People living at the home also told inspectors they were often bored and they spend their time "doing nothing".
In five areas in which homes are rated, Roxburgh House was graded inadequate in the safe and well-led categories, requires improvement for responsive and effective, and good for being caring.
It was given an overall inadequate rating.
The home was contacted a number of times for a response but the manager was unavailable.