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Women stuffed stolen food in child’s buggy and left Broadstairs Co-op store without paying

A woman who walked out of a store with stolen food stuffed in a child’s buggy has told a court: “I have anxiety and don’t like queuing.”

Carla Sharpe offered the excuse as she admitted swiping the items with accomplice Zoe Sharpe from a Co-op store in Broadstairs high street.

Zoe and Carla Sharpe admitted shoplifting when they appeared in court
Zoe and Carla Sharpe admitted shoplifting when they appeared in court

Margate magistrates were told the pair made off with £21 worth of goods on January 26 this year.

Carla, 40 and Zoe, 38, were later identified and charged with shoplifting.

Carla, of Eastern Esplanade, Cliftonville, and Zoe, of Dune Gardens, Margate, both admitted the offence when they appeared in court on Thursday.

Dylan Bradshaw, prosecuting, said: “They had a buggy, but there was no child in the buggy.

“They filled it with £21 worth of goods and these were not recovered.

Carla and Zoe Sharpe stole £21 worth of food from the Co-op store in Broadstairs. Pic: Google
Carla and Zoe Sharpe stole £21 worth of food from the Co-op store in Broadstairs. Pic: Google

“So I will be asking for compensation of £10.50 each.

“Carla has an unattractive record, but there was a significant gap between 2016 and 2024.

“Zoe has a record, but has been out of trouble for some 18 years and has not been in court since 2006.”

Defending themselves, Carla told the bench: “I have anxiety and don’t like queueing.”

Zoe added: “I just walked out.”

Magistrates fined each woman £80 and ordered them to pay Co-op £10.50 each in compensation.

They must also each pay a victim surcharge of £32 and £85 court costs.

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