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Labour Tunbridge Wells borough councillor suspended from local party over screening of Jeremy Corbyn: the Big Lie

By: Daniel Esson, Local Democracy Reporter

Published: 14:29, 26 July 2023

Updated: 10:51, 27 July 2023

A Kent Labour councillor has lost the local party whip after attending the showing of a controversial film about Jeremy Corbyn.

Tunbridge Wells borough councillor Raymond Moon has been suspended from the Labour group for sponsoring a charity screening of “Oh Jeremy Corbyn: the Big Lie” at the Tunbridge Wells Forum.

Cllr Ray Moon has lost the local party whip after attending a screening of Jeremy Corbyn: the Big Lie. Picture: Andy Jones.

Cllr Moon says he was left “extremely upset” and “did not support it or sponsor it as a Labour Party member” but as an individual.

Some in the party claim the movie spreads conspiracy theories and denial of antisemitism.

Produced by Platform Films, the film includes interviews with former and current Labour activists and staff close to the former party leader.


Narrated by actor, author and comedian Alexei Sayle and featuring director Ken Loach, the movie discusses allegations of antisemitism against Mr Corbyn and argues they were part of a conspiracy to discredit his leadership.

On Monday, July 17, a screening of the movie was held at the Tunbridge Wells Forum, which raised £200 for the mental health charity Mind.

The controversial film is about Jeremy Corbyn. Picture: Chris Davey

Cllr Moon sponsored the event in case it didn’t meet costs but the 65 tickets were all sold.

In the week before the screening, the Labour group’s whip Cllr Alex Britcher-Allan emailed Cllr Moon telling him not to associate with the event.

After attending, Cllr Moon was notified that he had been suspended from the whip.

Cllr Moon stressed to the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS) that he did not agree with all the content of the film.

“Just because you go along and watch the Godfather that doesn’t mean you support the Mafia,” he said.

“I was extremely upset and it’s my own party members that have instigated it...”

“I couldn’t believe it to be honest. I thought, why? Some people might criticise me and say ‘you knew this would happen, that’s the way the party is at the moment’.


“I was extremely upset and it’s my own party members that have instigated it.

“It was a blow, not having been a councillor very long.

“I try to represent people and this was nothing to do with the party as far as I saw it, it was just giving a personal view.”

Cllr Moon has also been chairman of the Paddock Wood branch of the Tunbridge Wells Constituency Labour Party.

Tunbridge Wells council Labour group leader Cllr Hugo Pound

Labour group leader on Tunbridge Wells council, Cllr Hugo Pound, declined to comment, reiterating the Labour Party’s policy of not commenting on individual cases, but did confirm Cllr Moon’s suspension.

Cllr Moon remains a member of the Labour Party but not a Labour councillor, sitting instead as an independent.

He intends to appeal the removal of the whip.

However, in the July meeting of Labour’s ruling National Executive Committee, it was heard that 100% of recently analysed appeals against expulsion were rejected by the party.

A Labour source told the LDRS that the party has no tolerance for those who deny the scale of the antisemitism problem under Mr Corbyn’s leadership, and argued the film does this.

“It’s scandalous that the whip has been withdrawn. It should be returned immediately and an apology issued to him...”

The source also confirmed that Cllr Moon was suspended for his involvement in the film screening.

Some other local party members, however, think the move is part of a political conflict between the left and right of the party.

One long-time party member who wished to remain anonymous said: “For a long time in Paddock Wood local members have been persecuted by the Tunbridge Wells CLP for holding on to socialist values and for supporting the socialist principles demonstrated by Jeremy Corbyn.

“The Tunbridge Wells CLP has mounted a campaign to silence discussion and debate on anything relating to the suspension of Jeremy Corbyn.

“This hostile environment and disillusionment has contributed to the resignation of all branch officers in Paddock Wood.

“Hugo Pound and a small cabal of party officers and borough councillors have sought to sideline and isolate Ray Moon ever since his election.”

A former local member, who also wished to remain unnamed, argued: “Ray Moon has fallen foul to the exact same treatment as people featured in the film.

“Tunbridge Wells Labour Party withdrew the Whip from Ray Moon for simply watching the film or being associated with the film or sponsoring it as a private citizen.

“The Labour Party should be a broad church, it’s how it started.

“It’s scandalous that the whip has been withdrawn. It should be returned immediately and an apology issued to him.”


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