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Builder Luke Saunders, of Tunbridge Wells, jailed after terrifying road rage attack

A builder who saw red and chased a woman and two young children in his van while threatening to kill them has been jailed.

Luke Saunders pleaded guilty to threatening and abusive behaviour at Sevenoaks Magistrates' Court today.

The court heard how the 28-year-old was driving along Lansdowne Road, Tunbridge Wells, when he became increasingly infuriated by Debbie Pickett's driving.

Sevenoaks Magistrates' Court. Stock picture.
Sevenoaks Magistrates' Court. Stock picture.

He then drove aggressively behind the victim — who had her five-year-old son and nine-year-old niece in the car — attempting to overtake her and gesturing for her to get out of the way.

Ms Pickett then stopped at a junction and saw Saunders, of Pennington Place, Tunbridge Wells, drag his finger across his neck in a threatening manor.

The terrifying ordeal continued for 20 minutes with Saunders continuing to make threatening gestures and making repeat attempts to get Ms Pickett to pull over.

Both vehicles then reached Colts Hill, in Five Oak Green, where Saunders parked at a bus stop and walked in front of Ms Pickett's car, swearing at her, threatening to kill her and banging on her vehicle.

"This was a particularly nasty episode for the victim and the two children..." — Jeff Owen, chair of the bench

When the victim warned Saunders she had two children in the car, he said he would kill them too and continued his outburst - even attempting to get into the car.

The attack only stopped when an off-duty police officer intervened. Saunders was later visited by police.

Mr May, defending, told magistrates his client, who is currently in custody for a separate offence, accepted that he had reacted in the wrong way and had initially been trying to confront Ms Pickett after seeing her use a mobile phone.

He said Saunders grew increasingly frustrated as he was running late for work.

Chair of the bench, Jeff Owen said during sentencing: "This was a particularly nasty episode for the victim and the two children."

Saunders was handed 56 days in prison for the offence, reduced from 84 days due to his early guilty plea.

Additionally he was handed a 21 day sentence for breaching a suspended sentence and a further 60 days due to failing to pay court costs and fines totaling £2,638 which will now be withdrawn.

He will also have to pay an £80 victim surcharge in addition to £900 of outstanding compensation payments to previous victims.

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