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Two recycling centre sites in Kent have been earmarked as locations for potential solar farms.
The North Farm waste recycling centre in Tunbridge Wells and Swale's Church Marshes, in Gas Road, Sittingbourne, are being considered as a council seeks to acts on its pledge to reduce carbon emission rates.
Together the two sites could produce up to six million watts (6MWH), as well as reduce Kent County Council's CO2 emission levels by 1,624 tonnes, its utilities engagement sub-committee was told during its latest meeting.
Cllr Matthew Balfour (Con), the committee chairman, was enthusiastic about the proposals, saying: "We have to bring things forward as quickly as possible with viable schemes that can make the county greener but also cost less for the county council."
However, some concerns were raised including initial budgetary costs, fears the panels could be vandalised, and necessity of protecting wildlife, with horses believed to roam on the proposed Tunbridge Wells site.
The West Malling councillor made his comments following a two-hour discussion about the council's energy and emissions strategy during a public meeting in County Hall, Maidstone.
Learning lessons from one of its county authority neighbours, West Sussex County Council, KCC has committed to using renewable assets to provide a stable long term income and meet zero carbon emission targets.
West Sussex County Council is a leading local authority energy supplier and one of its representatives presented a talk to KCC's elected members on the economic and environmental value of solar farms, citing one of Sussex's major renewable energy generating sites.
Tangmere solar farm in Chichester, one of the first local authority operated, has 18,000 solar panels, produces 5,000 megawatt hours (Mwh) of clean electricity each year and is generating £13.8 million from feed-in-tariffs and electricity sales.
Cllr Balfour said KCC had been looking at similar schemes to West Sussex and the committee was told that sites for major energy development were being searched for, including Tunbridge Wells' North Farm, and Swale's Church Marshes sites.
Cllr Balfour added: "North Farm and Church Marshes are old waste sites and are not being helpful to us.
"They have intrinsic problems which costs money to maintain and manage.
"If we can put solar panels all over them... and it is viable, that is better use of the land than just having it empty."
Cllr Ian Chittenden (Lib Dem) also gave his endorsement, saying: "It would be a very positive usage for sites which are not easily usable in trader markets or for businesses.
"If we can make it work it's certainly worth looking at."