Woodland Babies at Brockhill
The perfect introduction to nature, Woodland Babies is for pre-walking children. A relaxed and frendly group led by the Brockhill Rangers, offering our youngest visitors time under the trees.
Each month we welcome along our youngest visitors to explore nature in our Forest School here at Brockhill Country Park. Take part in a relaxing walk to our forest school area, laze in hammocks, try out forest bathing and gather with other parents around the campfire. Enjoy mat based activities under the trees and engage your little one in songs around the campfire. Forest babies is all about bringing parents together and offering little ones an introduction to spending time in nature. Suitable for babies from birth until they have found thier feet and are keen to explore further. Hot drinks are provided around the campfire for adults. £7.00 per baby, no charge for acommpanying adults. Parking charges are in operation.