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Compete against friends and family in our weekly online quiz - the Saturday Social.
There are 13 questions in total - simply scroll down to the bottom of the page for the answers.
1. TRUE OR FALSE? Lionel Messi is older than Christiano Ronaldo.
2. WHO AM I? Name the celebrity pictured above on the red carpet at last month’s BAFTAs?
3. ODD ONE OUT: Which one of these names is the odd one out?
Edward, Harold, James, John, Richard, Robert.
4. REMEMBER WHEN? The following events all occurred in a year in living memory. Do you know the year?
▶ Rioters stormed the Capitol building in Washington
▶ Captain Sir Tom Moore died at the age of 100
▶ Golfer Tiger Woods said he was ‘lucky to be alive’ after a car crash
▶ Good Morning Britain host Piers Morgan stormed off set and soon resigned
5. WHAT'S COOKING: This light fruitcake is traditionally eaten at Easter - do you know what it is called?.
6. QUESTION OF SPORT: How many of the 18 first-class cricket counties in England and Wales have shire in their name?
7. POPTEASER: From which well-known song are these lyrics from?
“Singing sweet songs of melodies pure and true. Saying, this is my message to you-ou-ou"
8. WORDWISE: What is the meaning of the word, GAMBO
▶ A spicy stew
▶ A large prawn
▶ A farm cart
9. WHO... is the current Chancellor of the Exchequer?
10. WHAT… do the initials SUV and MPV stand for in motoring terms?
11. WHEN... is St George’s Day?
12. IN… traditional 10-pin bowling, what is the highest score you can achieve in one complete game?
13. WHERE AM I? England's largest lake is in the heart of the Lake District, do you know its name?
ANSWERS: 1 False - Ronaldo is two years older; 2 Jeff Goldblum; 3 Robert - the rest have all been kings of England; 4 2021; 5 Simnel cake; 6 Ten - Derbyshire, Gloucestershire, Hampshire, Lancashire, Leicestershire, Northamptonshire, Nottinghamshire, Warwickshire, Worcestershire and Yorkshire; 7 Three Little Birds by Bob Marley; 8 A farm cart; 9 Rachel Reeves; 10 Sport utility vehicle and Multi-purpose vehicle; 11 April 23; 12 Three hundred; 13 Lake Windermere.